Main trends for the week. Russia and Eurasia are consolidating their sphere of influence in the inner Eurasian heartland and its “rimland.”

The West keeps falling apart.


Putin abolishes the Crimean District

The Russian president has changed the status of Crimea, turning it into an ordinary Russian province. Does this threaten the peninsula?

Russia and Iran negotiate starting construction of Bushehr NPP second stage



Kiev authorities refuse to grant the agreman to a new Ambassador of Russia, Mikhail Babich. Russia says that it won’t object if  Authorities in Kiev want to reduce the level of diplomatic relations.

Roots of a fake nation: “ukrainization” in Soviet era

Ukraine’s currency ‘most undervalued’ in world



Civilian casualties highest in a year

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein has reported 73 civilians killed or wounded in July. Shelling is responsible for more than half of the recorded casualties, and the rest is due to mines, booby traps and I-E-Ds. Hussein notes that civilians have to flee to improvised bomb shelters in their basements with increasing frequency. The high commissioner has urged both Ukrainian and pro-Russian forces to observe the February 20-15 Minsk ceasefire deal. The conflict has claimed the lives of more than nine-thousand-five-hundred people since April 20-14.

Is NATO buildup in Ukraine is to blamed for the continue death of civilians?



The British Empire – A Lesson In State Terrorism

For most people in Western nations today, terrorism has become synonymous with large scale spectacular acts of violence by small groups against a civilian population and, within the last 15 years, primarily in the name of one religion in particular – Islam. Historically speaking (and I mean up until the present day) there is no justification for this perception, and it can only have come about through a massive and prolonged public propaganda offensive on the part of those with a vested interest in creating and perpetuating it.

The historical record shows quite clearly that states, or those acting on behalf of the state, have been responsible for the vast majority of large-scale terrorist acts against civilians.

French cops storm barricaded church so it can be turned into parking lot at Sainte Rita

Church demolition: Police quash Paris protest over ‘parking lot’, day after slain priest’s funeral


The US

Some people in the US have started realizing that they have been occupied, and that their country is run by the Trotskyites, and Bandera followers who pledge allegiance to a foreign government.

The Alt-Right Is the Antidote to the Neocon Warmongering Against Russia

Why the Alt-Right believes reconciliation between Russia and the West is the only sensible approach.

The name (((Neo-Con))) suggest an affinity with conservatism, but that is a misnomer at best. Few know that the Neo-Cons are in fact, predominantly ex-Soviets, who fled after Stalin came to power and came to the United States. This school of thought was in fact founded by former Trotskyites, purged by Stalin who managed to quickly incorporate themselves into American political life.

Dazed and confused, the American public has stumbled into the Brave New American Century and is only now starting to wake up to the reality of the takeover of America that has occurred.

Modern historians and political commentators will tell you that a period of profound demoralization hit Russia and many of the former Soviet Republics following the collapse of the USSR. One has to ask, if the West is not now going through the same stage in its own history. Perhaps it’s a little far-fetched, and the time has not yet come to panic…Either way, the Alt-Right will continue to do what it does best: crash the establishment narrative, with no survivors!

To read more follow the link above


Is Kissinger’s triangular diplomacy the answer to Sino-Russian rapprochement

The current Sino-Russian rapprochement should concentrate the minds of U.S. policymakers on diplomacy designed to prevent a full-fledged Sino-Russian security alliance. A good start would be to reflect on the triangular diplomacy pursued by Nixon as explained by his national security advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

“Triangular diplomacy, to be effective,” Kissinger explained in White House Years, the first volume of his memoirs, “must rely on the natural incentives and propensities of the players.” Kissinger explained that the opening to China and détente with the Soviet Union were pursued as parallel policies designed to enable the United States to “maintain closer relations with each side than they did with each other.” It was always better for the United States, he wrote in Years of Upheaval, “to be closer to either Moscow or Peking than either was to the other.” “America’s bargaining position,” he reiterated in his book Diplomacy, “would be strongest when America was closer to both communist giants than either was to the other.” In his most recent book World Order, he again noted that the design of triangular diplomacy was to balance “China against the Soviet Union from a position in which America was closer to each Communist giant than they were to each other.”

Triangular diplomacy avoided undue moralism. Kissinger, quoting Bismarck, wrote that “a sentimental policy knows no reciprocity.” “[P]redictability,” Kissinger continued, “is more crucial than … idiosyncratic moralistic rhetoric.”

Why Truman’s regime targeted Hiroshima and Nagasaki with their atomic bombs?

Because those were two cities in Japan with predominantly Orthodox Christian population.

Informative article on the history of the Orthodox Christianity in Japan.



China’s Belt and Road isn’t only show in town

A new framework of regional cooperation will be taking shape in India’s neighbourhood when the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran meet in Baku for a summit meeting on August 8. The Kremlin readout acknowledges this and says the three leaders will discuss “current issues on the international and regional political agenda and prospects for establishing practical cooperation, particularly in energy and transport”. (Kremlin website)

Much work precedes the summit meeting in Baku next Monday. A trilateral meeting in April at foreign-minister level prepared the ground for it. An impressive package of trilateral cooperation has been put together by the ‘sherpas’ in the recent weeks. The focus is on economic projects, especially connectivity, but the underlying reality is that the three countries are also advancing their political ambitions and the geopolitical implications are at once obvious.

The leitmotif of the trilateral format between the three countries will be intra-regional transportation routes – a North-South energy corridor and a North-South transport corridor. India is an interested party to the proposed North-South Transport Corridor. Last month in Moscow India joined hands with the three countries to sign an agreement to open a North-South railway line in the Caucasus.

The agreement envisages the link-up of the Indian railway system by ship with Iran and, thereupon, heading to European destinations via Azerbaijan and Russia. India proposes to dispatch a demonstration container train on this new line on coming Sunday. Unfortunately, Indian media which gives big coverage to the candidates in the American election and/or the terrorist strike in France failed to comprehend that the new development in connectivity will be, arguably, the most significant geopolitical happening in the region in a long while, with extensive ramifications.

To read more follow the link

Russia’s Asia pivot many-splendored thing, By M.K. Bhadrakumar



Reports: Russian ‘Ballistic Missile’ Strikes Hit Terrorists’ Targets in Idlib

Large stash of US-made heavy weapons found in terrorist-held Aleppo district



Russian jets bomb Jihadist convoy west of Aleppo

As it was reported elsewhere, ISIS lost 90% of its “revenue” from stile from Syria oil.

The US sponsored terrorists so called “Moderate Rebels” target Aleppo residents with chlorine gas

The US State Dept. dodges RT questions about US-backed ‘moderates’ implicated in Syria chemical attack [Video]


Erdogan’s spokesman: Turkey appreciates Russia’s clear attitude to coup attempt

Russia’s Rostec and Pakistan to sign contract for construction of gas pipeline in October


Egypt says kills leader of ISIS Sinai branch suspected of downing Russian plane

The Egyptian military has claimed that it killed the leader of the Sinai branch of Islamic State, suspected of downing a Russian passenger jet over Sinai in October last year.

Abu Duaa al-Ansari, the leader of the ISIS Sinai Peninsula terror group, was killed in northern Sinai, south of the coastal city of el-Arish, Egyptian officials said on Thursday.

A Facebook post on the page of Egyptian military’s spokesperson claimed that “accurate intelligence” allowed security forces to kill the jihadist.

Arts and culture

Alexander Marshal: I am Russian

The song, apparently for some unknown reasons angered the pro-occupational authorities and the media in Ukraine


“I’m Russian and forever Soviet. I am an offspring of a victorious soldier. Don’t get too excited; we still exist. There are many  of us who don’t just live to eat. We’ve learned humanism from living in the dying Soviet Union. Not all of us survived, of course. Those who survived have become stronger than steel. We have become three times more Russian, while we rose from the ashes of your conscience. We hold as sacred our Motherland as our Mothers. The world is afraid of us because it knows that Russia teaches those who refuse to understand her rationally.  Russia teaches them that besides eating there are things like ethics, humanity, truth. When you hear our Russian “Go onto you,” take it as a very bad news. You have seen how we can fight the wars. If you don’t want to remember, we will remind you and explain you this, once again. Don’t touch Russia, gentlemen. Remember, we become stronger when we fight.  Hear us! If you don’t want to listen, we won’t be responsible for consequences. It’s not worth it to test our strength. You, guys, from overseas, you are not messiahs. And we’re not Vietnam, but Russia. Just think about a war with us. Think, think and don’t touch our Mother.”


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