Putin knew what to do! His first interview, 2000

On New Year’s Eve, 1999, Putin succeeded the Russian Presidency from Boris Yeltsin. This is his first interview inside the Kremlin….
Retrospectively – He acted confidently, within that which he foresaw..



The New START:  extension impossible By  Vladimir Kozin

Advisory Group to the Director, chief advisor, head of advisory group to RISS director, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;  Professor, Russian Academy of Military Sciences; Member, Russian Analytical Association; PhD in History, Senior Researcher (Academic Rank)

Talking points on the issue of the New START at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

Report on Russian Military Revolution by European Council on Foreign Relations

The Following is a very ominous report BIOTerror

Concern in Russia is increasing over the growing number of hard-to-access, double-purpose medical laboratories, financed by the US Department of Defense, appearing alongside its borders; they are researching biological weapons, indicating that they are “not entirely peaceful

Andrei Fursov: Russia is ready to repel any attack from the west

A very Interesting and Detailed Analsyis by Tatzhit

Causes and Impact of Post-Soviet Collapse


Russia: Putin requests 2018-2025 draft armaments procurement programme

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to prepare a draft of the 2018-2025 state armaments programme by July 1, 2017, during a meeting in Novo-Ogarevo on Thursday.

SOT, Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “Dear colleagues, good day. Today we will discuss the main financial and economic parameters of the state armaments programme for 2018-2025. In accordance with this programme, it is necessary to continue the massive technical re-equipment of the army and fleet.”

SOT, Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “When preparing its financial parameters, it is necessary to keep in mind that the armed forces and other troops should be provided with modern weapons and vehicles, which will allow for the efficient provision of full-scale and solid security for Russia against potential military threats.”

SOT, Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “All the budgetary commitments and plans connected to defensive security, which the state had previously taken, must certainly be fulfilled. The proposal for the new state armaments programme should be completed this year. I request the government to present the programme for approval before July 1, 2017.”


Ms. Clinton: stop Russian ‘bear hunting’ by Andre Vltchek

A Training Camp for the court bailiffs in Russia


Russian Special Police OMON vs Illegal Bankers – Armored Building – Tactical SPETSNAZ Action


Donetsk People Republic Spetznaz demonstrates its fighting skills during the children war game Zarnitsa on Donetsk training range [VPE Special]

Donetsk People Republic: Saur Mogila. Celebration of Donbass Liberation [VPE Special]

On September 6, 1943, the armies of the Soviet South-Western front liberated the cities of northern Donbass from German Nazi and fascist invaders during the Donbass operation.




Many have missed the import of this news

When and Why Will Ukrainian Power Grid Collapse – UA Nuclear Reform Group


Belgium: Savchenko calls on Europe to ‘prove its ideals’

Here she comes…

A Crude Heroine Nadiya Savchenko’s Assault on Ukraine’s Elite

After her release from a Russia prison, Ukrainian helicopter pilot Nadiya Savchenko was celebrated as a hero. Now, though, she is making powerful enemies with her coarse verbal attacks against the country’s political elite.

US-funded Ukrainian army is terrorizing civilians, 2016


US Army Trains Kiev,Ukrainian Soldiers -March 2016

Published on Apr 11, 2016

Ukraine is not a member of NATO, yet the US government sent US Soldiers from Germany to Ukraine to teach Ukrainian Soldiers how to observe, coach and train during military exercises.

In comments many links to other related to the US military engaged in war against Ukrainian population

[As a reminder, after two year investigation, 20,000 cases were opened and over 100,000 witnesses were questioned. In August, the Russia’s Investigative Committee and FSB have filed the first five court cases against individuals for war crimes in Ukraine. My guess is that after all these cases are heard in court and decisions are issued, the US government and the US military will be next to be sued in court for war crimes against Russian civilian population in Ukraine. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin called the Ukrainian’s military “a foreign legion,” emphasizing the illegitimate nature of the US occupation of Ukraine.

See, for example this rabidly racist and Russophobic blog Vice article about the the European and American mercenaries   Why American Right-Wingers Are Going to War in Ukraine

We all understand that these citizens of the US commit war crimes and genocide against Russians, and that it’s the US government that holds a full responsibility for these crimes. The US government has started paying to Iran for its crimes against Iranian people.  Next, the US will be paying to Russia for its crimes against the Russian people.] Scott


Donbass report by Oleksiy Zhuravko

This is a report by Oleksiy Zhuravko (Алексей Журавко) from Donbass. He requests that the video be shared so that the truth is out. That is why we are sharing it here.

Dear friends, I am currently in Donbass – a Ukrainian region torn apart by a civil war. Some of you have heard about the war here. Most of you haven’t. Those that have heard about it from the Western media know that evil Vlad Putin attacked these poor people – “RussiainvadedUkraine.”

However, all the people reporting about Russian troops are very far away from here, and haven’t provided any factual evidence of the so called “Russianagression“. So I, a person born with no legs and one arm, a former ombudsman for the disabled people of the Ukraine, came here, and on my little cart that I used to move around, actually dared to talk to locals and hear their stories (don’t be surprised if I get banned by Facebook for showing this Truth).

I ask you to spend just 4 minutes and watch this video about a man who lost his beautiful young wife and is left with a young disabled child because of Ukrainian shelling.

Killing and maiming is all the “democracy” Ukraine and its backers in the West are bringing to Donbass. Sometimes it seems that this struggle is hopeless… but if the world knows… if the world learns the Truth of what is going on here – we can end this war! We can end the suffering of these local, peaceful and hardworking people!
So I ask you, friends, please don’t look away. Please listen to this man’s story. Please hear it! Please share this video. Please help me and others like me get the Truth out to the world!
Oleksiy Zhuravko

PS: even if i, or someone else tagged you, please also share yourself, so all your friends and subscribers get notified.



FSA, freedom to oppress in Syria September 2016


Alexander Azadgan – US rulers – psychopaths, who will not allow peace in Syria


America killed Pro-Palestine 1st Saudi King, & brought Wahabi Slaves



How the US uses Shock & Awe to win public support


Pepe Escobar – Obama’s administration is fighting with itself


As Scott had made an argument on the role of Snowden in one of his post (sorry I couldn’t locate it ) this article of MSM reinforces his argument

War or Peace: for whom do we vote on November 8th? A Panel Discussion



Ray McGovern: The Inside Scoop on the Middle East & Israel


Israel Starts Home Demolitions in Syrian Golan, Plans Annexation

The Settlements: Self-Entrapment Of Existential Proportions

Israel’s continued settlement activity—whether retroactively approving ‘unauthorized’ outposts or advancing plans for new units as was recently announced—represents yet another nail in the coffin of the peace process. The settlements have become nothing but Israel’s self-entrapment, threatening its very existence

Has Israel Effectively Colonized the United States? by Badruddin Khan



Sean Gabb – the importance of Byzantium for the west


Alexander Azadgan – Even Washington’s puppets are exhausted of being puppets


Thanks Scott @Scottshumor  and TheSaker

Have a nice Weekend

Stay Healthy and happy