by Višeslav Simić, PhD, for The Saker Blog

“Illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers, and rapists,” as the then US Senator, and now the US Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, described the Serbs, are again in the focus of the global “p(l)andemic” propagators because they have en masse gathered in front of the country’s Parliament to protest “the Covid 19 measures.”

Yet, as in most other cases, the Western media got only part of the story and reported only what conforms with the official and “woke” narrative.

The people have had enough not only of the conflicting, incompetent and plain diabolical “measures” imposed upon them by the “state’s crisis expert team,” which, by the way, were the strictest and longest-lasting in the world, as well as of the pathetic and embarrassing panic and despair stricken “head of state”, but, more than anything else, they spontaneously burst into protests against the decades-long accumulated local governmental abuse, humiliation and psychological torture, in addition to impoverishment, isolation and the sanctions imposed by the “international community,” which is the euphemism for the US-led NATO coalition of states.

The current President of Serbia, who, since June 3, is the only remaining quasi-legal, totally illegitimate, Serbia’s high official, has mismanaged the state into a constitutional crisis, a financial disaster, and into an age of lawlessness, in which his private army of thugs has been employed to maintain him in power. Aleksandar Vučić, who enjoys self-declaring each and every action of his to be something “never before done in Serbian history,” through his political manipulations and blatant abuse of power, forced Parliamentary elections upon the population, which was, for almost as long as NATO bombing lasted in 1999, kept under the illegally and unconstitutionally imposed state of emergency, locked in their apartments during curfews lasting up to 5 days.

While the nation was locked up, he, and his party apparatchiks and ruling coalition members, moved freely all over Serbia, using the situation for election campaigning, simultaneously blocking access to the media to all other parties, providing “care packages” to his supporters, siphoning state funds for it, and blackmailing state employees into voting for his party. While campaigning, he posed as the leader of all citizens, tirelessly laboring for their good, yet, he not only openly propagated his party but remained the party’s chief officer in spite of the Constitutional prohibition against such “double-dipping,” ensuring his loss of legitimacy in spite of his claim that he is a legal officer of the state.

Facing the constitutional and legal obligation of holding Parliamentary elections during a health crisis, he forced their postponement until a date beyond the constitutionally proscribed deadline, thus voiding the legality and legitimacy not only of the elections themselves but of all the state institutions which depended on them – the mandate of the Parliament expired, which automatically caused the Government to become null and void, leaving Serbia without the Legislative and Executive branches, while the Judicial branch had long ago self-abolished itself by total inactivity and irrelevance, since the Supreme Court had declared itself incompetent and with no jurisdiction in all the violation of the Constitution cases, including the imposition of the state of emergency. The office of the President in Serbia is strictly ceremonial and legally its holder has no powers, which are, by the Constitution, in the hands of the Prime Minister. Yet, Vučić has created the biggest and most flagrant organized crime structure in Serbia, which has hijacked the state for its own corrupt, illicit and scandalous ends, so that all Serbian institutions have long ceased to exist and serve any purpose at all. It has not happened only to government institutions but to other pillars of Serbian traditions and identity: The Orthodox Church of Serbia has been bought by large ad hoc and fiat-based “donations” and by threats of scandal exposure; The Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the “intelligentsia” in general, have also long been bought by cushy appanages and privileges, monetary and in terms of titles and honors; The Military – once the greatest pride of the nation and the only European force that successfully opposed NATO, have long been replaced by a spineless slug-like corps, completely irrelevant and thoroughly infiltrated by NATO agents; The Police, once known as People’s, have been staffed by thugs and criminal elements, just like the Military, so much so that full-time officers have operated and protected illegal drugs production and distribution, as well as the illegal arms trade, even with Islamist groups, enemies of the US.

This outright and shameless advertising of reckless power abuse had culminated in the President’s Monty-Pythonesque and irreverently mocking imposition of an incompetent and embarrassingly speech articulation challenged Croat lesbian Prime Minister, with a faux amie sounding last name of Brn-a-bich, who, officially the holder of the highest and most powerful office in the land, addressed the President as “Boss,” and continually announced to the nation that she only fulfills “the Boss’s wishes.” It must be pointed out that her being a lesbian and a Croat wasn’t a big “problem,” in spite of Serbia being known as a quite conservative, traditionalist and nationalistic land, but it was her personal arrogance, breaching of civilized norms of behavior with political opponents, and her incapability to formulate even the simplest thought or to show any genuine interest in the life of ordinary citizens of Serbia. Her cabinet was staffed with proven plagiarists and open criminals.  She is also known as a US agent, having worked for years for various Western interests in Serbia, making profitable deals that benefitted her family and friends.

This gross and exhaustive sham of all universal values and norms, violation of European and Western coda of behavior, rupture of social and political ideals, and renting of standards of good governance and public policy mores has been approved, supported, applauded, glorified, praised and rewarded by all Western governments and international bodies, public and private institutions and organizations, businesses and financial corporations, not only because Vučić has allowed a violent and unscrupulous takeover of Serbia’s businesses, a ruthless exploitation and ruinous pillage of natural and human resources, and a scheming and mercenary usage of Serbia’s geopolitical strategic location and influence with Russia, but, more than anything else, he has been most cooperative and instrumental in the grand treason of Kosovo and Metohija, and the final fulfilment of the West’s decades-long sweetest dream of gaining Serbia’s recognition of the NATO-controlled narco/sex slave/organ trafficking “state” locally operated by Islamist terrorist gang of brutal and barbarous West’s hirelings.

Eight long years have passed, filled with Vučić’s daily – actually, hourly! – pitiful provincial-actor-level drama queen performances of hurt feelings, broken heart wailing and weeping, gnashing of teeth in an agony of a misunderstood Messiah, fish-market-wife-like accusations and curses of unfaithful suitors, petty caprices of a high school pageant queen and vicious and vengeful worn out diva… Enough public pathology for generations of political and personal psychopathy doctoral theses!

Thus, the final straw on the back of the long-suffering nation, and the final drop of bile in the bitter cup served the people of Serbia was the re-imposition of the curfew and the state of emergency upon the population of Belgrade (with a possibility of doing it all over Serbia), right after the President’s arrogant and pompous declaration of victory, with over 60% of the votes won by his party, although there were blatant and degrading irregularities at over one-third of polling places, with most political opponents having boycotted the elections, and a vast majority of the people not even bothering to go out to vote, being aware that the whole process was illegal, irregular, and insulting to the intelligence and the honor of the nation.

Before the virus arrived in Serbia, the President and his “public health expert crisis team” declared it, in a live, clown-like TV appearance, “the funniest virus in world history,” announcing to the world that Serbs are genetically stronger than all other peoples of the globe so that the virus was not going to harm them, and that “husbands should send their wives to Milan on a shopping spree” not only because the prices would be low due to the tragedy there but because the estrogens in women render them resistant to it. The President, in a “funny guy” routine, shared his very “secret” method of fighting the virus by consuming a few shots of the strong Serbian plum brandy every morning! The Prime Minister reassured the population that “[they] have the virus under total control.”

Yet, just a few days later the whole criminal clan running the country of Serbia panicked and turned into a freak show. They imposed the strictest and the longest-lasting “public health measures” in Europe, and thousands of people were fined heavily for just going shopping for food at the wrong hour of the day. The population over 65 years of age was imprisoned for months in their homes and left with no organized aid, allowed to go shopping for food only from 4-7 AM – all of this because the President raised the level of panic and hysteria to unbearable levels by constant announcements that Serbia doesn’t have enough cemeteries to bury all the dead if the people disobey his orders. The situation was “so serious” that Easter was canceled, with the Patriarch of Serbia, ever an obedient servant of the President, declaring all churches closed and unnecessary for the religious life of the nation. Yet, the people remembered that even under Nazi and NATO bombs the Orthodox Easter was celebrated as the most important and hope-giving holiday of Resurrection and Life.

Yet, just before the election day, the infections all but disappeared, there were no more deaths, and the virus was declared, yet again, harmless and weak! The people were free and safe to go “vote” for the President!

When the ruling party’s victory was declared, leaving the future (illegal and illegitimate, we must insist on it) Parliament with no opposition at all, the President and his party celebrated all night, crowded all together, kissing and hugging each other in a live broadcast of the debauch orgy of naked arrogance and non-repentant narcissism and idolatry, with many election losers coming to perform obeisance to the “Savior,” hoping for a position in the future government. In the meantime, the nation set in their homes, speechless and horrified by the recklessness and ostentation by those who are supposed to protect and serve them.

Of course, the wages of sin were almost death – many of the celebrants ended up in the hospital, including the former Speaker of the Parliament, the former Chief Negotiator for Kosovo and Metohija, and one of the main election losers, an old-time turncoat, who got fewer votes than there are members of his own family.

The President immediately declared that it was the people’s fault, that the population was unruly and irresponsible, and that the rush to churches and sporting events caused the increase in the number of the sick. As expected, he pronounced, with the whole “expert team” nodding their heads with appropriate seriousness, that “no one got infected while voting!”

So – the people had to be locked up again and the appropriate decision was made by the now non-existent, illegal, and illegitimate government!

That was the trigger for the protests, not their cause!

We all saw the brutality by which the youth of Serbia were dispersed, using tear gas, batons, rubber bullets, police dogs, police Hummers parallel riding the streets in order to run over the protesters, and even the cavalry was called in, galloping at unarmed students and old people who couldn’t even run away from under the hoofs of the horses. Hundreds or even thousands of peaceful protesters were arrested. The number is uncertain since no information has been given to the families who were searching for their missing sons and daughters.

While this was happening, the media, totally controlled either by the President or by NATO countries’ corporations, showed entertaining programs and, if at all, informed the citizenry that “outlaws and hooligans” have attacked “the Home of the People” (the Parliament), which was defended by the “servants of the people” (the police). The Prime Minister declared, in a live TV appearance, that it was the students who threw tear gas at the police and not the other way around, and that the police suffered violence by the hooligan youth of Serbia.

The now open tyrant and dictator Vučić has accused his own people of being outlaws for challenging his rules, very plausibly influenced by his adviser, Tony Blair, who in 1999 bombed Serbia and occupied almost 20% of its territory, together with Bill Clinton, and who declared, in London’s Independent (March 27, 1999) that Serbs are “the outlaw nation stubbornly challenging the rules of the international community.” (meaning, his and Bill’s) This Presidential advisor is the same person who was discussed and analyzed at length in Dr. Vojislav Šešelj’s 2005 book titled “The English Fag Fart, Tony Blair,” for which Vucic wrote a laudatory introduction, and from whom he must have received the wisdom of calling his own people “outlaws” for “stubbornly challenging the rules” of Serbia’s Lord and Master.

But, just as Black Lives Matter in the US and all over the “woke” West, so do Serb Lives Matter, and we will defend them, liberate them from abuse and humiliation, and cherish them back to health and growth until Serbia is bursting with life, love and happiness, with this Psychopath safely locked away, and his Criminal Age only a reminder of the value of freedom and strong and healthy democratic institutions.

Višeslav Simić is a multilingual international business and international relations negotiator and marketing contractor; director, manager and supervisor of international development and aid organizations contracts and projects; university level educator in the fields of business and international diplomacy, strategy, negotiations and administration; academic and professional researcher and analyst of international business, diplomacy and public policy with published works; debating and public speaking coach; award-winning fiction writer.