Today I went to my PO BOX and found not one, but 6 letters, and even a (much needed) bottle of vitamins.  Each letter had very kind and encouraging words and, amazingly, 4 of them had no return address or even a sender’s name.  I have to admit that for a bitter and often disillusioned person like me, it is deeply moving and, frankly, totally amazing to feel so much kindness and support from people whom I have never met, some of which even want to remain totally anonymous.  The outpouring of support I have received in the past few months is very, very humbling and immensely encouraging at the same time.  It literally keeps me going on the tough and discouraging days!

How do I thank an anonymous person?  How do I even let her/him know that I got her/his letter?

click for higher resolution

I decided to simply post a photo of what I got today so each person will be able to recognize her/his letter.

Also, since I am thanking people here, and since I am, as usual, totally swamped with work, I decided to also use this opportunity to thank those who have sent recent contributions to this blog via PayPal.  They are:

RH, AH, SE, GT, GL, BG, AS, AK, EFL, KH, MD, MB, JM, TL, AW, JL, JP, BZ, SC, CV, IG, DN, MD and HS.  To all of you, a huge “thank you!!” for your support and my most sincere apologies for not thanking you in a personal email (something I try really hard to do, but often simply cannot – since I get close to 100 emails per day).

Finally, I have to specially thank one person whose help for this blog has been literally crucial: “H“.  Even though “H” told me not to thank him/her each time I get a donation, I feel that I have to mention that without this weekly support it would have been very hard for me to commit as much time as I do to this blog.

To all of you, thank you – you are wonderful!

Also, tomorrow I hope to post a very important update about the future of this blog, and I can already tell you that it is all very good news.

Kind regards and thanks to all,

The Saker