Work FRC

Constructed by Work for FRC, who called the wheel, Adventure Wheel. Who exactly FRC is though, we're not really sure. It appears to have been a tuning shop in a small city south-east of Osaka.

The wheel has Work all over it though, from casting markings to PASS stickers, and thus is usually just called the Work FRC now.  Documented sizing options are thirteen and fourteen inch only, in medium widths at best, although some wide examples have been seen.

Weight was 5.6kg for 14 6J size, making it quite light for a cast wheel of the era.


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Production Years

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Country of Origin



Wheel Style

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Wheel Diameters (in)


Available PCD


KS Ranking (/10)

Nihongo-de Search

 ワーク, エフアールシー


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