AL-QUDS, Sept. 7–A quarter of Jewish Israelis doubt that the occupying regime will exist long-term, an opinion poll revealed Friday.

According to the results published in the leading Yediot Aharonot newspaper, more than 70 percent have a bad assessment of the Zionist regime’s security situation.

When asked if they “felt certain that Israel will exist in the distant future”, 25 percent of respondents said no and 74 percent of the respondents said yes.

Only 57 percent of respondents said it was safer for Jewish people to live in Occupied Palestine than in the West, compared to 39 percent who said it was safer in the West or amounted to the same thing.

Although 86 percent described their mood as “good” as opposed to “bad”, 72 percent of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the security situation.

Some 26 percent described the security situation as “good”.

The poll was carried out by an independent institute. It was based on a sample of about 500 Jewish Israelis and had a margin of error of 4.5 percent.