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Posts From Raskolnikova

Ukraine SITREP April 24, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)DWN: Poroshenko will reimburse France for the damage of the “Mistral” DWN: Порошенко возместит Франции ущерб за «Мистрали» The damage done to France as a result of failure to deliver Russia “Mistral” will fall on the shoulders of Ukraine and Poland   2)Yatsenyuk: I’ll go, when I will fulfill all my promises. Яценюк: Я уйду, когда выполню все свои обещания. “You’ve never hit me from the path on which

Ukraine SITREP April 21th, by Raskolnikova

1)Ukraine’s parliament has defined the start date of the “Russian aggression” Парламент Украины определил дату начала «российской агрессии» Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution which demanded Russia immediately withdraw its troops from the Ukraine and to stop supporting the “people’s republic”. The document defines the date of commencement of aggression – February 20. 2)The number of refugees from Ukraine exceeded 800 thousands. Число беженцев из Украины превысило 800
