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Posts From The Saker

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery

by Paul Craig Roberts When I read Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s article the question that lept to mind was, “How come the South is said to have fought for slavery when the North wasn’t fighting against  slavery?” Two days before Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th President, Congress, consisting only of the Northern states, passed overwhelmingly on March 2, 1861, the Corwin Amendment that gave constitutional protection to slavery.  Lincoln endorsed the

Korea, Afghanistan and the Never Ending War trap

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times While the US-backed ‘Hunger Games’ in South Korea plow on, a ‘new strategy’ for Afghanistan is really all about business. But China is already there There are more parallels between an unfinished 1950s war in Northeast Asia and an ongoing 16-year-old war in the crossroads between Central and South Asia than meet the eye. Let’s start with North Korea. Once again the US/South

Social Media as a Tool of Hybrid Warfare; The Case of Syria (IMPORTANT NOTE BY THE SAKER)

Note by the Saker: I was frankly appalled at the ugly nastiness of some comments posted here in reply to this article.  First, I take no position whatsoever on the substance of the issue.  I do however, vehemently object to direct and personal attacks on Intibah Kadi and her husband.  Whatever the merits, or lack thereof, of her analysis, Intibah Kadi did not name a single person in this piece,

ISIS – Always-Always Claims Responsibility

by Peter Koenig Whenever a terrorist attack hits somewhere in Europe or the world, wait a few hours and the police or media report ISIS / ISIL / Daesh claims responsibility. To enhance credibility, they usually say it was confirmed by ISIS news agency Amaq. As soon as this little piece of info is out, the upset populace takes a deep breath and falls at ease. It’s the usual culprits.

Listening to the Donald, one very last time…

I just listened to Trump’s speech on Afghanistan: American heroes are unique and better than all others… 9/11 was planned in Afghanistan… together with the Saudis will will fight terrorism… and that is when I stopped listening.  In a few short sentences Trump just overloaded my capacity to listen to inanity.  Just before I switched him off I heard him say something about “we will win in Afghanistan“. Yeah, right. 

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

by Paul Craig Roberts When Trump was elected I wrote that it was unlikely that he would be successful in accomplishing the three objectives for which he was elected—peace with Russia, the return home of offshored US jobs, and effective limits on non-white immigration—because these objectives conflicted with the interests of those more powerful than the president. I wrote that Trump was unfamiliar with Washington and would fail to appoint

Trump’s Fascism versus Obama’s Fascism

by Eric Zuesse Barack Obama was the only U.S. President who at the United Nations defended nazism — racist fascism — and Holocaust-denial. It received almost no reporting by the press at the time (or subsequently). But his successor President Donald Trump could end up being removed from office because he said that racist fascists are just the same as are people who demonstrate publicly against them. Trump’s politically stupid

Death of the 2nd Amendment on the Internet

Note by the Saker: if you don’t care about the Second Amendment, consider this: if they can go after the Second, there is nothing stopping them going after the First next.  Besides, did you ever wonder why the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment right after the 1st?  Yes, why does the 2nd one come 2nd?  Think carefully!

Anti-goyim headline by the Huffington Post

See here for the details about Sam Levine’s article, photo and headline: I won’t even bother commenting myself.  QED is all I will say. The Saker and a few assorted reactions:

Fighting Neo-Nazis and the Future of Free Expression

By Jeremy Malcolm, Cindy Cohn, and Danny O’Brien for The Electronic Frontier Foundation In the wake of Charlottesville, both GoDaddy and Google have refused to manage the domain registration for the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that, in the words of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is “dedicated to spreading anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism, and white nationalism.” Subsequently Cloudflare, whose service was used to protect the site from denial-of-service attacks, has also

Barcelona – The Hypocrisy of Sorrow

by Peter Koenig Barcelona, 17 August, 5 PM – a white van plows with 70 km/h into a mass of pedestrians, many of them tourists, on the famous Rambla, in the heart of Barcelona. The death toll, 13 plus more than 100 injured. In an adjacent event, the police kill one alleged perpetrator. The main suspect flees and is still at large. Or is he? – Maybe he has already

The Neocons are pushing the USA and the rest of the world towards a dangerous crisis

This analysis was written for the Unz Review. First, my writing on the wall In October of last year a wrote an analysis I entitled The USA are about to face the worst crisis of their history and how Putin’s example might inspire Trump and I think that this is a good time to revisit it now.  I began the analysis by looking at the calamities which would befall the

Stonewalling Washington: Trump pushes leftist view of US racism further than Obama or Clinton

by Ramin Mazaheri I feel sorry for Americans – they have such lousy leaders they feel compelled to defend. I don’t mean Trump or Obama or Clinton or even JFK – I mean George Washington. It’s really gotta be a blow to the national pride when Americans have to admit, if only to themselves: “Trump makes a fair point: the father of our country, George Washington, was a slave-owning bastard,

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand (Charlottesville 3)

by Paul Craig Roberts The liberal/progressive/left are enjoying their drunkfest of denunciation. I can’t say I have ever witnessed anything like it.  These are the people who sat on their hands for 16 years while Washington destroyed in whole or part seven countries.  Not being satisfied with this level of warmongering and crimes against humanity, Washington orchestrated a conflict situation with Russia.  Americans elected a president who said he would

Abby Martin speaks the plain truth about the Zionist regime in Palestine

Note by the Saker: interesting interview with Abby Martin, I highly recommend it.  Please try to set aside the typical Leftist clichés and language and just listen about what she experienced while visiting Palestine for the first time.  I wanted to share this video with you because Abby’s experience exactly mirrors mine.  Except that I was even more clueless than her when I set foot in Israel for the first

Charlottesville 2

by Paul Craig Roberts What the liberal/progressive/left is trying to do with Charlottesville is to associate Trump supporters with White Supremacists and in this way demonize Trump supporters so that they will not have a voice when Trump is overthrown in a coup. Or it can be put in a different way: Charlottesville is being used by someone to discredit Trump and the people who elected him in order to
