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Posts From The Saker

After Dutch referendum ukrop go apeshit, as expected

Posted on LiveLeak: So it did not take long before the and other ukr MSM got deflated like a balloon of lies, since even before the exit polls were done they already concluded that “majority voted YES to ukr-EU association agreement”. After the real results became absolutely clear with “NO” being the majority by over 60%, the ukrops went apeshit. Here they are again burning tires, fighting riot police

Has the Saker blog been hijacked by the CIA?

Has the Saker blog been hijacked by the CIA? You think that it is a crazy question? So do I. But not everybody agrees. Nevermind that I have created an entire community of blogs whose sole aim is to denounce, oppose and resist against Empire in all its forms, some apparently believe that the CIA has somehow hijacked my blog or maybe co-opted/brainwashed/broken/submitted/etc. me. Why? Because I post articles which

The EU’s “suicide by reality denial”

This article was written for the Unz Review: What had to happen did happen. The EU, being the chain of weak links it is, did eventually give in, and the Dutch people were the first one to vote against the association with the Ukraine. Of course, the Euroburocrats can now find some reason to declare the vote invalid, they can declare that some law was violated, they can even

Violent Political Organizations – an opinion

by Gavin Don An old Chinese curse runs “may you live in interesting times”. These are interesting times. Today’s geopolitical strategists learned their trade in a bi-polar world, in which two clear competing ideologies wrestled for global dominance within a fairly weak framework of international law. Occasionally the wrestling match became violent, but for the most part lethal violence was confined to wars between states – North Korea against South

Book Review: The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World

“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never,

The Dutch people vote “NO” on the association with the Ukraine (UPDATED)

Okay, it appears that the Dutch voted “NO” on the association wit the Ukraine.  RT says that exit polls report a 64% “NO” vote. That is the end of the entire Euromaidan project. Either the Eurobureaucrats will accept the result and act on it or they will have to declare it “only consultative” and ignore this result.  If they do that, they will further discredit the entire enterprise and the

Uncle Shmuel points fingers (aka “Panama Papers”)

The so-called “Panama Papers” which are presented by the world’s corporate media as some kind of super-mega-uber-Wikileaks are simply the latest US strategic PSYOP.  Of course, no hard proof of that will ever materialize, but take a look at this pretty good summary of the leak so far: The source: an anonymous leaker who has made a “no meeting ever” a condition. The media support: 400 journalists at 107 media

The Daesh Chronicles: The “We-Told-You-So” Story

by Ghassan Kadi When the so-called “Arab Spring” took off, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, made a televised speech to Libyans warning them, and the world, of what would happen should the central government in Tripoli fall apart. His predictions included that Al-Qaeda would come in and Libya would be partitioned into at least three states. Apart from being unable to predict that the resurrected Al-Qaeda was going

“Donbass Seasons” (English subtitles)

“Donbass-Seasons” is a documentary that traces the history of the war in Donbass, from the coup in Kiev to the Odessa massacre through to the start of the conflict. The documentary contains interviews with Nicolai Lilin, Eliseo Bertolasi and Vauro Senesi, the narrating voices of the videos filmed by Eliseo Bertolasi and Sergeij Rulev. Directed by Sara Reginella, “Donbass Seasons” shows the changing of seasons and the flow of life

Ukropatriot vs Coca-Cola

Note: to be really really honest, I think that this is a fake.  But a very funny one.  The true story is that Coke in Russia did not include the Crimea on its initial map, and then decided to add it, which, of course, might have made some Urkopatriots angry.  But still, I cannot imagine Coke making a map of the Ukraine for the Ukraine without Crimea, so I think
