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Posts From The Saker

I need an Arabic->English translator (UPDATE: NOBODY FOUND YET!)

Dear friends, I need somebody to translate a fairly short (but important) text from Arabic into English. If you can help, please email me at or Thanks a lot! The Saker UPDATE: As of July 20th, THREE people have offered to help and all three have then defaulted.  So I STILL have not found anybody willing to help with this (relatively short) translation.

When fear is not enough

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In his book 1984, George Orwell wrote the following on how to rule over people: He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’ Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said. ‘Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he

Response to a Bosnian Muslim

by Generation 1990 This writing is dedicated as a reply from someone from “opposite camp” to Ahmed and his article named as a “Response from a Bosnian Muslim” which can be found here: . Although I believe that Ahmed’s intention was giving point of view from someone in Bosnian Muslim perspective he failed to shed light to important facts. I was born in Belgrade in 1990, to be precise

The Self-fulfilling Threat: why the NATO arms stockpiles are a danger to Eastern Europe

Original article: Translated by Timofey The mechanics of threat escalation from many types of arms have been explored a long time ago. In particular, the establishment of new NATO weaponry stockpiles and military vehicle storage sites in Eastern Europe poses the greatest threat to Eastern Europe itself. Above all, it raises the likelihood of it being struck, with those strikes being forced by the presence of these weapons. The

Russia vs. ECHR: The Rise and Fall of the European Courts

by Scott One of the lesser known methods of color revolutionaries and snatchers of sovereign countries is to file multiple baseless frivolous lawsuits simultaneously to clog judicial systems and to obstruct and impede the work of courts and law enforcement. One of the recent most successful attacks took place in December 2014 in Ukraine, when a Soros funded EuroMaidanSOS coordinated with over 400 lawyers to flood the Ukrainian criminal and

How the Empire will strike back

Okay, now that we have all celebrated the beautiful Greek “NO!” to the EU plutocracy, we need to get real again and look at the Empire’s options.  Or, in fact, at the Empire’s option (with no ‘s’ at the end). The Empire is extremely predictable.  The example of Greece is a textbook case of how the Empire uses banks to strangle a country with debt, creates a comprador ruling class,

Statement of Alexis Tsipras after Vote on Referendum: ‘Greece will return Europe to the Peoples’

Transcript : Today is a day of celebration because democracy is a cause to celebrate, to be joyful. And when democracy conquers fear and blackmail, then it also leads to redemption, and a way forward. Today, the Greek people send a very powerful message. A message of dignity, of determination.  A message that they are taking control of their choices. Many may try to ignore the will of a government.

The Geography Of Color Revolutionary Threats To The BRICS Countries

by Andrew Korybko One of the hottest topics of strategic research here in Russia has been the study of how the US uses Color Revolutions as a new form of influence and power projection. Because this destabilizing template can be applied all over the world, and not just against Russian interests, I wanted to share some of my latest findings with you all, in the hopes that you and your

The Moscow-Beijing Express: Russian “Oligarchs” versus Chinese Billionaires

By: Jeff J. Brown Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud China’s billionaires and Russia’s oligarchs have been in the media lately, due to a variety of business transactions, between these two allies and around the world, not to mention all the absurd sanctions the West has been piling on Russia over the last year and half. Always suspicious of the mainstream media behind the Great Western

William Engdahl: The Birth of the New Russia

A discussion with risk consultant, geopolitical expert and best-selling author William Engdahl regarding his trip to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and what he calls “The Birth of the New Russia.” Check out:

You think the Ukraine is independent? Think again!

Colonel Cassad just posted this amazing document.  Reading this opus it is pretty darn clear who runs Banderastan and how.  I actually feel sorry for the poor Ukies who actually sincerely believe that they are independent.  As I have written it recently – the Ukraine is becoming an African banana republic.
