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Posts From The Saker

The Empire’s war against the Serbian nation: lessons for the Resistance

Fifteen years ago the AngloZionist Empire begin the third phase of its war against the Serbian nation.  It is important to take a few minutes to remember this war because the main purpose of this war was to show to the Russian people what could be done to it if it dared resist.  Just as the US had bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima primarily with the purpose of showing the Soviet

The US shale gas canard

Dear friends,Several of you have asked my opinion about the article by U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission by Glenn Ford.  I don’t have the time for a detailed reply, but I will say this: the entire notion of US shale fracking sent to Europe to undermine Russia is a canard. Not only does the entire infrastructure for this project need to be built – at huge costs –

Ukraine SITREP March 22, 13:05 EST

The OSCE has agreed to send observers to the Ukraine.  Their task shall be to monitor the situation and to investigate reports of human right violations.  The OSCE has had to accept the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia, thus the observers shall not be deployed to the Russian Peninsula. The situation in the Ukrainian military is one of total chaos.  Not only have three tanks and one

Western international diplomacy as a dead baby joke

I have just been watching the news and, frankly, I ended up laughing.First, I saw the Eurobureaucrats adding another 12 or so names to a list of 20 or so (sorry, I was not paying attention) names which are going to be on the sanctions list.  The US did something similar yesterday.  Looking at that circus, I was wondering: does these imbeciles really believe that these puny sanctions of 30-40

Are the US elites finally coming back to their senses?

I won’t even bother to discuss the topic of US and EU sanctions against Russia as this is only utter nonsense aimed at appeasing a few lobbies and proving to the general public that western leaders are “tough”.  Let’s, however, look at two interesting developments:1) Obama has declared that the US will not go to war over the Ukraine.  As usual, Obama tightly wrapped the key words in a lot

The Ukraine accelerates its national suicide, but then decides to think it over

As I have already written here many times, what is currently taking place in the Ukraine is basically a bizarre form of national suicide.  The strangest aspect of this is the kind of bizarre zig-zag the new revolutionary regime is constantly making like, for example, in the case of the law on languages which removed the official status of the Russian language and which was repealed almost immediately after its

Today every free person in the world has won!

We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jbeil on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free

Daily life in Banderastan or what you don’t see on TV

Here is some footage which you are unlikely to see on the Idiot-tube:1) Thugs from the Nazi Svoboda Party (aka “Socialist-National” Party) beat up a TV channel director and force him to resign.  You can get more details about this incident here: 2) Brownshirts from the Right Sector attack a couple on the street: 3) Ukrainian demonstrators are trying to stop military units loyal to the insurgency from driving

2 killed in shooting near Crimea military research center, ‘sniper detained’

RT reports:Two people – a self-defense member and a Ukrainian soldier – were killed and two others wounded after snipers opened fire from a partially inhabited building near a military research center in Simferopol. One sniper was detained, another is on the run. As RT producer Lida Vasilevskaya arrived at the scene, the perimeter of the Ukrainian military topography and navigation center was already surrounded by men in camouflage and

Chechen terrorist leader Doku Umarov killed in special operation

The President of Chechnia, Ramzan Kadyrov, has just confirmed that Chechen terrorist leader Doku Umarov, the self-styled “1st Emir of the Caucasus Emirate and 5th President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” has been killed in a special operation of the Chechen security services. Recently, Dokku Umarov had promised to attack the Sochi Olympics.  The leader of the Ukrainian Nazis Dmitri Iarosh had appealed to Umarov to attack Russia and

Crimea SITREP March 18, 11:29 EST

Amazing events this morning in Moscow: Putin has made what is arguably the most important and best speech of his career in front of the Russian Federal Assembly in which he made the case for a re-integration of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into Russia as subjects of the Russian Federation.  For the first time ever, his speech was met withs long standing ovations and shouts of “Russia! Russia!”

Personal announcement: warning – this blog is being phished!

A reader just send me this warning: VS, do you realize that a phishing site is closely imitating your blog’s address? I inadvertently typed in (no “s”) rather than and up popped a Christian Zionist website talking about the apocalypse. Do you think that the similarity is intentional??? At first I thought your website was hacked. Then I discovered my mistake. Quick check – he is correct. Some

How the US dream of world supremacy was buried in Crimea

written specially for the Asia Times These are official results from the referendum in Crimea: 96.77% voted for Crimea to join Russia 02.51% voted for Crimea to remain a sovereign autonomous republic inside the Ukraine 00.72% of the votes were declared invalid 83.10% of the eligible voters participated in this referendum (thus:16.9% did not vote) As a reminder, this is the official ethnic makeup of Crimea (in 2001): 58.32% Russians

From Tlaxcala: Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors

org/article.asp?reference=11749″>Deutsch  Italiano  Español  Français  Português  Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors TLAXCALA ΤΛΑΞΚΑΛΑ ТЛАКСКАЛА تلاكسكالا 特拉科斯卡拉 Tlaxcala asked three authors- Dmitry Orlov, The Saker and Pepe Escobar– who have been accurately following the situation in and around Ukraine, 5 questions. Here are their answers. Tlaxcala doesn’t share all their views but find them interesting enough to be shared.     1) Do you believe US (Obama)
