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Posts From The Saker

New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population reports: Despite being one of the most genetically analysed groups, the origin of European Jews has remained obscure. However, a new study published online today in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution by Dr Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, argues that the European Jewish genome is a mosaic of Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, setting to rest previous contradictory reports of Jewish

The scum of the earth

RT reports: Saudi preacher gets fine and short jail term for raping and killing daughter Image from @We-are-supporting-Manal-Alsharif claims to show Fayhan Ghamdi Public anger has gripped Saudi Arabia after a prominent preacher who raped and beat to death his 5-year-old daughter was sentenced to a few months in jail and a $50,000 fine – known as ‘blood money’ – to compensate the victim’s relatives. ­According to Islamic law,

The new Iranian “stealth”(?) fighter: more questions than answers

Iran has unveiled its latest indigenously built fighter, the Qaher-313.  Check out the Press TV report:When I saw this video I was rather baffled as many things just looked *wrong* to me.  I then contacted one of my readers who knows a great deal about military aeronautics (thanks C.!) to compare notes, and it rapidly turned out that he also had many unanswered questions.  So let’s take them one by

Israel: an entire society go insane?

First, the Israelis boycotted  a regular review by the UN Human Rights Council, the first time any country has done so.  Then they proceeded to bomb a target inside Syria.  That’s all within 24 hours.The fact is that Israel is totally out of control is hardly anything you.  Two years ago I already posted an article entitled Israel’s “FUCK YOU!” to the world.  So the events of the past couple

Anti “gay parade” poster seen in Moscow

As many of you have probably heard from the outraged Western corporate media, the Russian Duma has passed a law banning the public propaganda of homosexuality (homosexual practices, however, remain legal).  Supporters of this law demonstrated in front of the Duma building carrying the following poster.  The text in the middle of the posters ask the following question from the Russian deputies: In which parade will your son participate?  I

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah marking the occasion of the birthday of the Holy Prophet

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Scholars, deputies, brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. I welcome you the

Holocaust And Extermination A Terrible Normality

By Michael Parenti for “Information Clearing House” Through much of history the abnormal has been the norm. This is a paradox to which we should attend. Aberrations, so plentiful as to form a terrible normality of their own, descend upon us with frightful consistency. The number of massacres in history, for instance, are almost more than we can record. There was the New World holocaust, consisting of the extermination of

Alain Soral and Pierre Jovanovic at a joint conference in Lyon, France

Alain Soral and Pierre Jovanovic are most definitely the two most brilliant French intellectuals alive. They both have therefore been totally banned from ever appearing in the French corporate media. Even though they both publicly exist only through the Internet and through public meetings, they are very popular in France and I encourage all of you who understand French to listen to this very interesting conference.  Enjoy!  The Saker ——-

Newsflash for the intellectually challenged: guns are completely irrelevant!

There are certain topics which I really hate.  I hate them not inherently, not because they make me feel somehow uncomfortable, but because both sides of the issue are equally repulsive, self-righteous, ideological and totally stupid.  One such topics is “abortion rights”.  Oh how much I hate both pro-lifers and pro-choicers!  But today I am going to vent about another topic which fills me with an overwhelming desire to, maybe,

Burn, burn – Africa’s Afghanistan

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times One’s got to love the sound of a Frenchman’s Mirage 2000 fighter jet in the morning. Smells like… a delicious neo-colonial breakfast in Hollandaise sauce. Make it quagmire sauce. Apparently, it’s a no-brainer. Mali holds 15.8 million people – with a per capita gross domestic product of only around US$1,000 a year and average life expectancy of only 51 years – in a

Pope thanks CIA war criminal for “protecting the world”

by Jay Janson for “Information Clearing House“ Panetta said the Pope said to him, “Thank you for helping to protect the world.” said he replied, “Pray for me.” Fellow Catholics, can only hope that the Pope said something else that Panetta was reluctant to mention to US foreign policy promoting reporters. One paragraph re Panetta’s crimes, Reagan’s Assist. Sec of Treasury quoted, and the usual plea for a responsible public

France is walking straight into a disaster of epic proportions

Francois Hollande, already one of the most hated Presidents in French history, is clearly desperate to try to change his image of being Mr “couille molle” (literally: limp dick), a nickname he got from within his own political party.  Like Sarkozy, he wants to flex some military muscle to prove that he is also a great man. Nevermind that the French soldiers are underpaid, under-equipped, and that most their promotions

Something very interesting shaping up in the IT world

For somebody like me who has been very critical of Ubuntu and its founder Mark Shuttleworth (I particularly hate Ubuntu’s “Unity” desktop environment), it is a huge pleasure to see that the Ubuntu community is doing something extremely interesting which, I really believe, has a huge potential.Please watch this excellent presentation by Mark Shuttleworth about what Ubuntu will be doing in 2013: Now I will be honest with you, I

Hypocrisy and blasphemy

Hypocrisy: So the French are intervening militarily in Mali.  The rationale behind this intervention is threefold:a) It was requested by the President of Malib) It is to prevent ‘al-Qaeda’ from running over the countryc) It is to protect French citizens in MaliNeedless to say, the Anglosphere fully approves.I can’t help but wonder about another possibility:Assad would request the military assistance of Russia to prevent “al-Qaeda” from running over Syria and

Alex Jones is an agent provocateur for Uncle Sam

Wow, I just took at look at (the excellent) when I came across this:Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan On Gun Control  Now, I have to admit that I have always intensely disliked Alex Jones, not so much for anything he said, but more for his delivery: he speaks like some typical inbred redneck half wit, an almost a perfect caricature of the arrogant, ignorant, loud and obnoxious American, the

First Depardieu, then Bardot – does any of that matter?

By now we probably have all seen the footage of French actor Gerard Depardieu proudly showing his Russian passport and most of us have also heard reports about French actress Birgitte Bardot declaring that she will leave France in disgust and also ask for Russian citizenship.  Does any of that matter?  Depardieu was angered by a comment made by a French minister who condemned his move to Belgium to avoid
