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Posts From The Saker

The Helen Thomas’ Resolution

by Gilad Atzmon Those who are engaged in the Palestinian solidarity discourse are familiar with two visions of conflict resolution: the ‘Two State Solution’ and the ‘One State Solution’. This week we have learned about a third possible resolution that seems to me the most reasonable and ethical considering the circumstances. Helen Thomas, the 89 years old doyenne of the White House press corps, sketched it in one sentence. When

The Crucifixion of Kindness

by Gilad Atzmon Panic is detected in Israel. Strategic affairs minister, Moshe Boogi Ya’alon who served as acting PM during last week’s massacre in the high seas said yesterday that “someone failed to prepare a standard operating procedure.” A senior IDF official was quick to respond “If there wasn’t a standard operating procedure, why didn’t he make sure there was one. He was the acting prime minister and it was

The One State Solution sounds like a good idea, but…

Solving the problem of Israel/Palestine isn’t rocket science: the solution is obvious. We just have to get serious about it. A brief history Due to recent events, things are coming to a head in the Middle East. As Israel becomes more belligerent and aggressive, more committed than ever to using overwhelming force as its only answer to a rapidly deteriorating situation, feeling itself even further victimized and becoming ever more

Just what Iran needed!

“Jewish group launches Iran campaign” is the headline on Ynet. I kid you not! You can check it yourself. The article goes on to say “Marking the first anniversary of Iran’s disputed election, the American Jewish Committee on Tuesday launched a major online advocacy campaign to demand that the United Nations Human Rights Council “end its silence on the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Iranian regime.” Just what Iran

Some thoughts on this and that

I have been thinking about various issues this week, but I had too little time to write even a semi-coherent post about them. So I am sharing my musings with you in the raw – just as they came to me. Uncle Shmuel is just so predictable: Israel and the USA agreed to the format for an investigation of the storming of the Mavi Marmara and the other ship. Really?

Iran and the Balkans: Russia Risks Making the Same Mistakes

by Pyotr Iskenderov for the Strategic Culture Foundation The recent UN Security Council resolution slapping new sanctions on Iran is likely to become the worst defeat suffered by the Russian diplomacy over the past years. Its negative impact may be persistent and more serious than that of the proclamation of Kosovo’s independence to which Russia continues objecting. What we are witnessing seems to be an unexpected recurrence of the syndrome

Afghanistan: Funding both sides

Delegates in Shangra-La pledge eternal war in Afghanistan, as the US creates new and very dangerous allies there, reports Eric Walberg War junkies popped their champagne corks on 7 June to celebrate the 104th month of US military engagement in Afghanistan, America’s longest war in history (Vietnam lasted 103 months). Presumably they toasted the five NATO soldiers killed on 6 June. Troop deaths have skyrocketed this year and NATO forces

God bless Helen Thomas

by Roger Tucker As everyone knows, Helen Thomas, the doyenne of the Washington Press Corps, has gone into retirement after making some heretical remarks about Israel and Israelis. The current wikipedia entry reads in part as follows: “On May 27, 2010, outside a White House Jewish heritage event, Rabbi David Nesenoff asked if Thomas had any comments on Israel. Thomas replied, “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine…

Max Blumenthal interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democray Now (MUST SEE!)

Max Blumenthal describes to Amy Goodman the nationalistic, xenophobic and even overtly racist fervor which is taking over the general public in Israel PS: special note to any the Jew-hater out there who might come across my blog: Uri Avnery, an 86 year old Israeli Jew and peace activist is beaten up by Israeli thugs, Max Blumenthal, an American Jew, is probably risking his life by his reporting about the

Roger Waters releases a video in support of the people of Gaza

Comment: I consider Roger Waters as the biggest musical genius of the entire Rock music movement. I began listening to Pink Floyd at age 10 and I have listening to Roger Water’s amazing music ever since. This latest video is most definitely not his best recording, but that is not what counts here. What is important is that Roger Waters is most definitely a “fashion-setter”, a high visibility person whose

Jewish Ideology and World Peace

” …then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.” (Deuteronomy 7:1-2) “…do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them…as the Lord your God has commanded you…” (Deuteronomy 20:16) by Gilad Atzmon I am here to announce as loud as I can, there is no need for any ‘International’, ‘impartial’ or ‘independent’ inquiry into the latest Israeli massacre on the high

The Jewish boat to Gaza is sailing soon

In an undisclosed harbor in the Mediterranean, a small vessel is waiting for a special mission. She will be sailing to Gaza. In order to avoid sabotage, the exact date and name of the port of departure will be announced only shortly before her launch. “Our purpose is to call an end to the siege of Gaza, to this illegal collective punishment of the whole civilian population. Our boat is

Murdered by the “Jewish state” of Israel

Cengiz Akyüz 41 Iskandarun, Turkey, married with three childrenAli Haydar Bengi 39 Diyarbakir, Turkey, married with four childrenIbrahim Bilgen 61 Siirt, Turkey married with six childrenFurkan Dogan 19 Turkish American. Shot execution style five times in the head at close rangeCevdet Kiliçlar 38 Journalist from Kayseri, Turkey married with two childrenCengiz Songur 47, married with seven childrenÇetin Topçuoglu 54, Adana, Turkey, Taekwando champion, married with one childFahri Yaldiz 43, Adiyaman,

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. Scholars, deputies, ministers, brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you all and Allah’s

Israel thumbs nose at world anger

Press TV reports: Israel has triggered a new tide of global outrage after it started circulating a video that pokes fun at the Freedom Flotilla activists, recently attacked by armed Israeli commandos. While world countries and international organizations are up in arms over a deadly Israeli attack on a ship carrying aid for Gazans, Tel Aviv continues to refuse to show any remorse for its violent actions. In a move
