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Posts From The Saker

Revolver Rabbis – how Jews are kept terrified in the USA

Check this hilarious, and very interesting, video: This short video is just about the perfect illustration of kind of sicko paranoia rabbinical “Judaism” fosters in its ranks. First, the gut wrenching fear of some anti-Semite coming to kill them all. Second, the putative anti-Semite is seen as screaming “Allahu Akbar” (hint, hint). Then the typically convoluted Talmudic logic in allowing guns to be carrying on the Sabbath. But most amazing

Labor Day / May Day

The observation of Labor Day on the first Monday in September is usually attributed to the Knights of Labor who held their first parade on September 5, 1882. But far more important is the Haymarket Riot/Massacre of 1886. (See also and There are several interpretations of what occurred, and monuments have been constructed to both the demonstrators and the police. A reasonable summary is that the labor organizers

The Missing Link In Palestinian Organ Theft?

By Jonathan Cook for Information Clearing House Nazareth: The hyperventilating by Israel’s leaders [1] over a story published in a Swedish newspaper last month [2] suggesting that the Israeli army assisted in organ theft from Palestinians has distracted attention from the disturbing allegations made by Palestinian families that were the basis of the article’s central claim. The families’ fears that relatives, killed by the Israeli army, had body parts removed

Googling Sibel Edmonds

Over 24 hours have passed since the video and full transcript of Sibel Edmond’s deposition have been made public, giving even the most stupid and lazy journalist the time to either watch the video or read the transcript. This morning, I decided to check what Google News would find for me. I simply typed “Sibel Edmonds” and hit enter. Here are the results: Now, I cannot say that I was

‘Prolonged diapering’ revealed as ‘enhanced interrogation technique’

By Stephen Webster for the Raw Story A CIA inspector general report released Monday in a less-redacted version reveals that “prolonged diapering” was on the agency’s list of approved “enhanced” interrogation techniques. The revelation is in Appendix F, included in the IG’s report on page 149, as part of a set of guidelines for “medical and psychological support to detainee interrogations.” The document is dated Sept. 4, 2003. According to

Sibel Edmonds deposed under oath – transcript and video!

COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT IN PDF FORMAT HERECOMPLETE VIDEO OF THE DEPOSITION HERE (AND/OR HERE) Commentary by Brad Friendman from the Brad Blog: Just over two weeks ago, FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds was finally allowed to speak about much of what the Bush Administration spent years trying to keep her from discussing publicly on the record. Twice gagged by the Bush Dept. of Justice’s invocation of the so-called “State Secrets Privilege,” Edmonds

Baseless organ theft accusations will not bring Israel to justice

by Matthew Cassel for The Electronic Intifada On Friday I was invited to appear on Press TV (Iran’s international English-language satellite channel) alongside Donald Bostrom, a Swedish journalist who authored the recent article about the Israeli army stealing the organs of young Palestinian men it had killed in 1992 during the first Palestinian intifada. I surprised the producers at Press TV who I don’t think invited me to argue the

¿Israel está detrás del tráfico global de riñones?

(please click here for a rough machine translation into English by Google language) Alfredo Jalife-Rahme para la Jornada Desde hace más de una década era sabido en los informados círculos médicos y penales el financiamiento por Israel de transplantes de órganos en otros países de forma clandestina mediante una extensa red criminal, como confesó Geldaya Tauber Gady, alto oficial retirado del ejército israelí, ante un tribunal de Brasil: el gobierno

The Body Snatchers of Israel

Very important article by Kawther Salam for Palestinian Think Tank: (photo: numbered graves in secret cemetery in Israel) Independently of the recently published article of the Swedish journalist Donald Boström about the Israelis murdering Palestinians in order to harvesting of organs for sale, and independently of the hysteric screeching and denials by the Israelis, I want to present my readers what I witnessed, saw, observed and heard during my 22

The latest Israeli hysterics – blood “libel” (again)!

Israeli politicians are off their meds again, this time they are infuriated by an article in a Swedish newspaper, the Aftonbladet, reporting that a number of Israeli officials and the IDF were involved in a goulish human organs trafficking scheme (you can get the details, with a translation of the original article, here). Today’s issue of Haaretz is full of articles about the indignation of various Israeli politicians:(Netanhahu, Lieberman and

Reflecting on Iran’s Presidential Election

by Ismael Hossein-Zadeh for Middle-East online 1. Questions that Beg to be Asked US and European corporate media, political pundits and “Iran experts” have spent countless hours discussing the June presidential election in Iran. Yet, they have utterly failed to ask a number of central questions that beg to be asked: Why did Mir Hossein Mousavi, the main rival of President Ahmadinejad, declare himself the winner while voting was still

Muddied waters: Russia finds ‘piracy’ cargo ship but what really happened?

Caroline Davies and Tom Parfitt for The Guardian report: The Arctic Sea was discovered 300 miles off the Cape Verde islands three weeks after it went missing, triggering speculation of a pirate attack. Three weeks after it vanished at sea, the cargo ship Arctic Sea was found off the Cape Verde islands today with its Russian crew alive, well and “answering questions”. All 15 sailors were aboard a Russian anti-submarine

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the Divine Victory Anniversary

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world. Peace be on our Master and Prophet – The Seal of Prophets – Abi Al Qassem Mohamad Bin Abdullah and on his chaste and kind Household, chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers. Dear audience peace be upon you and Allah’s

Ahmadinejad annouces his new Minister of Intelligence

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced a number of his appointees for his Cabinet, including three women. Among the names was Hojatoleslam Heidar Moshlehi who used to be the Iranian Supreme Leader’s representative to the Basij. He is a representative of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the ground forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as well as the Iranian Charity Organization. He is also an advisor

US ‘involved in Honduras military coup’

Press TV reports: The United States was involved in a military coup in Honduras that ousted President Manuel Zelaya on June 28, a top aide to Zelaya says. Before heading to Costa Rica, the Honduran military plane that flew Zelaya into exile stopped to refuel at the Soto Cato air base (Palmerola) where at least 500 US troops are based, said Patricia Valle, the deputy foreign minister of Zelaya. Palmerola

Top 10 percent of earners in America now receive nearly 50 percent of all the income earned in the United States

by Daniel Tencer for the Raw Story The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans now have a larger share of total income than they ever have in records going back nearly a century — an even larger amount than during the Roaring Twenties, the last time the US saw such similar disparities in wealth. In recent years, the fact that differences between rich and poor are the greatest they’ve been since

Zionist Pioneer Renounces Zionism

By Helena Cobban From World View News Service I’ve never met Dov Yermiya, a Jewish Israeli peace activist who is now 94 years old. But I read of course the book he published in 1983 in which he wrote with anguish about the torture and other gross mistreatment of civilians he witnessed directly during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon the year before. I have it in my hand now. I just

Reflections by Fidel Castro: The Yankee Bases and the Latin American Sovereignty

by Fidel Castro Ruz for The concept of nation emerged from the combination of common elements such as history, language, culture, costumes, laws, institutions and others related to the material and spiritual life of human communities. Bolivar, who worked the great heroic deeds that made him be known as ‘The Liberator’ during his struggle for the freedom of the peoples of the Americas, urged them to create what he
