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“Powerful Iran” war game to be held

(Tehran Times) A massive war game codenamed “powerful Iran” will be held near Qom on October 23-25, the Commander of Basij (volunteer) Forces in Ministries and Organizations Masoud Chinigar-Zadeh said on Saturday. The maneuver in which ten thousand Basijs will participate is aimed at boosting the Basij forces’ defense capabilities, Chinigar-Zadeh insisted. The commander said the main characteristic of this war game is that it will be held far from

The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn’t Want You to Know

(Esquire) Two former high-ranking policy experts from the Bush Administration say the U.S. has been gearing up for a war with Iran for years, despite claiming otherwise. It’ll be Iraq all over again. Two former high-ranking policy experts from the Bush Adminstration say the U.S. has been gearing up for a war with Iran for years, despite claiming otherwise. It’ll be Iraq all over again. In the years after 9/11,

Support the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007

by Rep. Ron Paul I am introducing a comprehensive piece of legislation to restore the American Constitution and to restore the liberties that have been sadly eroded over the past several years. This legislation seeks to restore the checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers to prevent abuse of Americans by their government. This proposed legislation would repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and re-establish

Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at invaders

(PRESS TV)- Iran warns that it would fire as many as 11,000 missiles at ‘the enemy’s bases’ within the first minutes after any possible attack. Brigadier General Mahmoud Chaharbaghi, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), warned Saturday Iran will immediately respond to possible attacks. He emphasized that Iran is capable of maintaining its fire power, in case of any invasion. The commander of the missile force

Full text of H.E. Nasrallah`s Speech over Detainees Swap

(Moqawama) Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the prisoner exchange between Hizbullah and the enemy entity is a partial and limited operation and that its focus was not numbers-based but rather strictly humanitarian, pending the more important operation. He pointed out that what happened gives impetus to the operation yet to come, which is more important to the resistance, the enemy and to the international mediator alike. In

Edelman acknowledges endeavor to change LAF doctrine

Mohamad Shmaysani The nervous expressions of US Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffery Feltman Thursday morning did not achieve its goals. On that day, Feltman was seen on television screens in a tense mood lashing out at the Assair daily, for asking the Lebanese government to officially deny any “involvement in an unbalanced relation with the enemy’s top ally, which will be suicidal”, Assafir said. The daily raised in its report the

Ron Paul introduces the ‘American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007’ to the House

H.R. 3835: To restore the Constitution’s checks and balances and protections against government abuses as envisioned by the Founding Fathers Bill Status Introduced: Oct 15, 2007 Sponsor: Rep. Ronald Paul [R-TX] Status: Introduced Go to Bill Status Page Introduced in House: This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration. Text of Legislation HR 3835 IH 110th

Why They’re Afraid Of Michael Moore

By John Pilger In Sicko, Michael Moore’s new film, a young Ronald Reagan is shown appealing to working-class Americans to reject “socialised medicine” as commie subversion. In the 1940s and 1950s, Reagan was employed by the American Medical Association and big business as the amiable mouthpiece of a neo-fascism bent on persuading ordinary Americans that their true interests, such as universal health care, were “anti-American”. Watching this, I found myself

Peace Prize Awards to War Criminals

By Stephen Lendman Alfred Nobel was a wealthy nineteenth century Swedish-born chemist, engineer, inventor of dynamite, armaments manufacturer and war profiteer who remade his image late in life by establishing the awarding of prizes in his name that includes the one for peace. This most noted award was inspired by his one-time secretary and peace activist, Bertha von Suttner, who was nominated four times and became the first of only

Breaking the Taboo: Why We Took On the Israel Lobby

Eric Chinski, the editor of John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt’s provocative new bestseller, asks the authors whether their book is good for the Jews and good for America. This interview originally appeared on the Web site of the publishing house Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Thanks to TruthDig for resurfacing it. Why did your article “The Israel Lobby,” which was published in the London Review of Books in 2006,

Lebanon US base to counter Qaeda, Hezbollah or Russia?

by Mohamad Shmaysani The issue of building a US airbase in northern Lebanon has resurfaced. Senior US political and military officials have been flocking into Lebanon since the Israeli war against Lebanon in 2006, the last of whom is Eric Edelman, the US Undersecretary of Defense for policy, heading a Pentagon delegation. The Lebanese daily Assafir raised speculations of a likelihood to build US military bases in Lebanon and alter

Turkey Lawmakers OK Possible Iraq Attack

By Christopher Torchia Parliament authorized the government Wednesday to carry out a cross-border attack on Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq, approving an offensive that would put Turkey at odds with the U.S. There was no sign of an imminent invasion. Washington and Iraq have pressured Ankara to show restraint and Turkish leaders signaled that they would not immediately give the order to send in the 60,000 troops, armor and attack

US ‘to build military base in Lebanon’?

(PRESS-TV) – The US plans to build an air base in northern Lebanon, in an area which borders Syria and is hardly 140 km from Damascus, sources say. The American air base will also be located 22 air miles (40 km) from Tartous, Syria’s main naval base and the Russian Mediterranean fleet’s command center. “According to US plan six military bases will be set up, three in Iraq, one in

Russian Su-30MKI Sukhoi Jets For India

(RIA via DefenceTalk) India has signed a contract with Russia for the licensed assembly of 40 multi-role Su-30MKI (Flanker-H) fighter jets, news agencies reported last week. According to experts, the agreement will cost India more than $1.5 billion. It will be a follow-up to the contract concluded in 2000 to deliver 140 fighters of the same type to New Delhi. The contractor will be the Irkut Scientific Production Corporation in

Formalizing apartheid packaged as peace initiative

By Neta Golan and Mohammed Khatib Next month the US plans to host a regional meeting to discuss peace in the Middle East, or at least peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The maneuvering, deal making and negotiating about what will be on the table has been going on for some time. But the details of the agreement being discussed have been a well-guarded secret but for the steady flow

Russian Press Blasts Anglo-Saxon Terrorist Controllers

By Webster Griffin Tarpley In the wake of the terrorist atrocity at a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made remarks to the western press which expose the key role of the US and British governments in backing Chechen terrorism. Whatever Putin’s previous role in events regarding Chechnya, his current political posture is one which sharply undercuts the legitimacy of the supposed

Follow the Leader: The Open Secret About the Israel Lobby

By Paul Findley There is an open secret in Washington. I learned it well during my 22-year tenure as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. All members swear to serve the interests of the United States, but there is an unwritten and overwhelming exception: The interests of one small foreign country almost always trump U.S. interests. That nation of course is Israel. Both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue give

Assad backs Turkey crackdown against PKK

(Al-Manar TV) — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in Ankara on Wednesday that Damascus would back a possible Turkish incursion into northern Iraq to crack down “against terrorist activities” there. “We support the decisions the Turkish government has put on its agenda against terrorism and terrorist activities,” Assad told reporters after talks with Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul. “We see this as Turkey’s legitimate right,” he said. He was speaking shortly

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei wants a “powerful Russia”

“A sovereign Iran is in the interest of Russia. At the same time, a powerful Russia is in the interest of Iran” Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei welcomed the Russian President’s declaration of Moscow resolve for expanding the bilateral relations with Tehran to unlimited levels adding that the expansion would prove beneficial to both nations. Ayatollah Khamenei told the visiting Vladimir Putin Tuesday night that the two nations

Israeli politicians slam US for lack of will to attack Iran

(PRESS TV) — Israeli War Minister Ehud Barak and his US counterpart Robert Gates have discussed Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West in the Pentagon. The talks, which took place on Tuesday, were mainly focused on the Iranian nuclear issue. Barak’s office confirmed that the minister had spoken with Gates about the necessity of a multilayered missile defense system for Israel. The two were joined by senior officials for the
