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Posts From The Saker

Bush doesn’t give a ‘rats ass about GOP future in next elections

Actually, while Hersh reported that Bush does not give a rat’s ass about what will happen to the GOP at the next elections, it would have been more to the point to say that the Neocons do not give a rat’s ass. The reason is simple: since they equally control both factions of the War Party or, as Mumia Abu-Jamal calls it, the two factions of the “Republicrat Party” it

Iran threatens to attack 170 US targets

The Jerusalem Post reports that Iran threatened Monday to attack some 170 American targets in the Middle East and around the world if it is attacked by Israel or the US, Israel Radio reported. A high-ranking officer from the country’s Revolutionary Guards told the force’s official journal, The Guards, that Teheran succeeded, after extended and comprehensive work, to identify hundreds of strategic American targets in the Middle East and around

The Day After We Bomb Iran

by Chris Weigant There’s a raging debate within the Bush administration, the punditocracy, and the blogosphere about whether or not it is time to bomb Iran. While this conversation scares small children (and other sane people), most of the focus has been on (1) whether President… oh, excuse me… Vice President Cheney truly is moonbat-crazy enough to do so, and (2) whether anyone else in America (including the military) would

Senate passes mammoth “defense” (sic) bill

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US Senate Monday passed a mammoth 648 billion dollar defense policy bill, shorn of attempts by disappointed anti-war Democrats to dictate President George W. Bush’s Iraq strategy. The bill included around 128 billion dollars for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a Congressional Budget Office estimate. The legislation passed by 92 votes to three after Democrats lost several attempts to dictate US troop levels

Cubans treat man who killed Che

BBC – Cuban doctors working in Bolivia have saved the sight of the man who executed revolutionary leader Che Guevara in 1967, Cuban official media report. Mario Teran, a Bolivian army sergeant, shot dead Che Guevara after he was captured in Bolivia’s eastern lowlands. Cuban media reported news of the surgery ahead of the 40th anniversary of Che’s death on 9 October. Mr Teran had cataracts removed under a Cuban

It’s Lobbying, But Is It Really Pro-Israel?

by M. J. Rosenberg Critics of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Steven M. Walt cannot be surprised that the attacks on the book prior to publication have already helped propel it to #10 on Amazon’s best-seller list. Not only that, the names “Walt-Mearsheimer” have become almost People magazine famous, odd for two mild-mannered political scientists from the University of Chicago and Harvard. It

The Hidden Facts – A Message From The Iraqi Resistance (transcript & video)

“ICH” – Free people of the world, we believe it is time to provide you with another updated report on the status of the war as we in the resistance factions perceive. We have several indications from the fields and from within the puppet government in Baghdad that the tactics used by the occupation forces have developed, yet the strategic aims that drive them, remains the same and in order

Ruling Parties Reject Iraq Division

BAGHDAD — Iraq’s major political parties denounced the US Senate proposal calling for a limited centralized government with the bulk of the power given to the country’s Shiite, Sunni or Kurdish regions, saying it would seriously hamper Iraq’s future stability. At a news conference earlier Sunday, at least nine Iraqi political parties and party blocs representing both Shiites and Sunnis said the Senate resolution would diminish Iraq’s sovereignty and called

Shifting Targets – The Administration’s plan for Iran (video)

by Seymour M. Hersh In a series of public statements in recent months, President Bush and members of his Administration have redefined the war in Iraq, to an increasing degree, as a strategic battle between the United States and Iran. “Shia extremists, backed by Iran, are training Iraqis to carry out attacks on our forces and the Iraqi people,” Bush told the national convention of the American Legion in August.

Hizbullah spiritual leader: Senate declared war on Iran

Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah slams vote to label Revolutionary Guard a terror organization by Roee Nahmias and Dudi Cohen “The declaration of the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group is a declaration of war,” Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, Hizbullah’s spiritual leader, said Sunday in response to a Senate resolution on Wednesday calling on the State Department to include the dominant branch in Iran’s army on its list of terrorist organization.

So What About Iran?

By Uri Avnery “ICH” — — A respected American paper posted a scoop this week: Vice-President Dick Cheney, the King of Hawks, has thought up a Machiavellian scheme for an attack on Iran. Its main point: Israel will start by bombing an Iranian nuclear installation, Iran will respond by launching missiles at Israel, and this will serve as a pretext for an American attack on Iran. Far-fetched? Not really. It

US House votes to ‘strongly back’ illegitimate Siniora Government

AIM news reports that US Congressman Gary L. Ackerman led the House of Representatives Wednesday in pass a resolution calling for strong US support for the government of Lebanon by a vote of 415 to 2. Ackerman, the chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, warned the House that “Lebanon is being bullied by Iran, Syria and their proxies, Hizbullah, Amal and Michel Aoun’s Free

Are the Taliban “The Enemy” or Not?

By Jeffrey Imm Once again, another national leader of an American “ally” in the “war on terror” has offered to help the Taliban regain political power. AP has reported that Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai offered “to meet personally with Taliban leader Mullah Omar for peace talks and give the militants a high position in a government ministry as a way to end the rising insurgency in Afghanistan.” AP reports that

Iran MPs brand U.S. army and CIA “terrorists”

TEHRAN – Iranian lawmakers hit back on Saturday at the United States for considering sanctions against the Islamic state’s Revolutionary Guards, branding the U.S. armed forces and the CIA as “terrorist”. A statement, signed by 215 MPs and read out at a session of the 290-seat legislature, criticised the U.S. military and the Central Intelligence Agency for what it called terrorist actions, the official IRNA news agency said. It cited

The bin Laden needle in a haystack

By Michael Scheuer More than six years after the September 11, 2001, attacks, Osama bin Laden remains free, healthy and safe enough to produce audio and videotapes that dominate the international media at the times of his choosing. Popular attitudes, and some official ones, in the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies tend to denigrate the efforts made by their military and intelligence services to capture

Iran Monitors Movements in Persian Gulf

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said its defense troops have launched a new system which brings all movements in the Persian Gulf and the Straight of Hormoz under Iran’s online control. The system called ‘Hod Hod’ (Hoopoe) has been designed by IRGC experts and provides the Iranian troops with the possibility to monitor even the subtlest moves on the surface or in the air. According

‘The President Has Accepted Ethnic Cleansing’ – Seymour Hersh

Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has consistently led the way in telling the story of what’s really going on in Iraq and Iran. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke to him about America’s Hitler, Bush’s Vietnam, and how the US press failed the First Amendment. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was just in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. Once again, he said that he is only interested in civilian nuclear

See No Evil: The Teflon Alliance with Israel

By KATHLEEN and BILL CHRISTISON Two recent offhand comments, both widely publicized, have seriously undermined whatever progress might have been made in exposing the fact that the Iraq war was initiated at least in large part to guarantee Israel’s safety and regional dominance in the Middle East. In late August, Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Colin Powell’s chief of staff when he was secretary of state, told Gareth Porter of

Lost In Translation: Ahmadinejad And The Media

By Ali Quli Qarai First I want to make some remarks about that now world-famous statement of President Ahmadinejad at Columbia: “We do not have homosexuals in Iran of the kind you have in your country.” The American media conveniently ignored the second, and crucial, part of his sentence as something redundant. Obviously he was not saying, We don’t have any homosexuals whatsoever in Iran—something nobody in the world would

The blog “The Internet Activist” publishes a scorecard of isolating Iran

The blog The Internet Activist has published a very comprehensive report on the US/Israeli efforts to isolate Iran. ——- So how have the US/Israeli efforts to isolate Iran fared around the world? “I think it’s very important for the world to unite with one common voice, to say to the Iranians that, ‘if you choose to continue forward, you’ll be isolated,’ … Let’s work in concert to convince the government
