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U.S. Banks Brace for Storm Surge as Dollar and Credit System Reel

By MIKE WHITNEY By now, you’ve probably seen the photos of the angry customers queued up outside of Northern Rock Bank waiting to withdraw their money. This is the first big run on a British bank in over a century. It’s lost an eighth of its deposits in three days. The pictures are headline news in the U.K. but have been stuck on the back pages of U.S. newspapers. The

Anti-Iranian hysteria reaches new hights: Iranian woman called “terrorist”, stabbed and beaten in New York

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- The Foreign Ministry will pursue the case with the Iranian national who has been beaten in the United States, the ministry spokesman said here on Tuesday. Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini further expressed concern and regret about the beating of the Iranian National, Zohreh Asemi, in New York, a statement released by the Foreign Ministry’s Information and Press Bureau said. Stressing that Iranian Foreign Ministry is handling

War Bosses Butting Heads

Wired news reports that France is preparing war plans in case an international coalition decides to force Iran to give up its alleged nuclear weapons program, according to Reuters “We must prepare for the worst,” [Foreign Minister Bernard] Kouchner said in an interview, adding: “The worst, sir, is war.” Our Frankish friends across the sea aren’t the only Western leaders focused on Iran, The Middle East Times reports: The [U.S.]

Europeans are overwhelmingly against a potential U.S. military attack to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions

By James G. Neuger for Bloomberg Europeans are overwhelmingly against a potential U.S. military attack to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions and are tiring of the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, a survey showed. Americans are more willing to contemplate the use of force against Iran and remain in favor of the Afghan war, according to a poll released today by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and

Italy Warns Against Iran War

The Jerusalem Post and AP report that Italy’s foreign minister said Monday that talk about going to war over Iran’s nuclear program served no purpose and the international community should instead give sanctions and diplomacy more time to work. Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema said a new war in the region “wouldn’t resolve the problem and would only create new tragedies and new dangers.” D’Alema was responding to journalists’ questions about

China Warns Against Iran War

The People’s Daily Online reports that China said on Tuesday negotiation is the best way to resolve the Iran’s nuclear issue and it conformed to the common interest of the international community. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu made the remarks when commenting on the recent report of the IRNA news agency on French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner’s warning that the world should brace for a possible war over the

Bush Administration War Plans Directed Against Iran

by Michel Chossudovsky Quoting official sources, the Western media is now confirming, rather belatedly, that the Bush Administration’s war plans directed against Iran are “for real” and should be taken seriously. “Punitive bombings” directed against Tehran could be launched within the next few months. The diplomatic mode has been switched off: The Pentagon is said to be “taking steps to ensure military confrontation with Iran” because diplomatic initiatives have allegedly

IAEA boss warns against Iran attack

According to the Press Association, the chief UN nuclear inspector criticised talk of attacking Iran as “hype”, saying the use of force should only be considered as a last resort and only if authorised by the UN Security Council. “I would not talk about any use of force,” said Mohamed El-Baradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in an indirect response to French warnings that the world had

Russia Warns Against Iran War

MOSCOW — Russian deputy foreign minister Alexander Losyukov has warned that any US military intervention in Iran would be a “political error” that would have “catastrophic” consequences. Losyukov’s comments in an interview published Tuesday came after French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warned that the world should prepare for a possible conflict over Iran’s nuclear program. “Generally speaking, bombings of Iran would be a bad move that would end with catastrophic

Bush’s Fake Sheik Whacked: The Surge and the Al Qaeda Bunny

A special investigative report from inside Iraq By Greg Palast Monday, September 17, 2007- Did you see George all choked up? In his surreal TV talk on Thursday, he got all emotional over the killing by Al Qaeda of Sheik Abu Risha, the leader of the new Sunni alliance with the US against the insurgents in Anbar Province, Iraq. Bush shook Abu Risha’s hand two weeks ago for the cameras.

A double standard on academic freedom in the Middle East

By George Bisharat Two hundred thousand Palestinian children began school in the Gaza Strip this month without a full complement of textbooks. Why? Because Israel, which maintains a stranglehold over this small strip of land along the Mediterranean even after withdrawing its settlers from there in 2005, considers paper, ink and binding materials not to be “fundamental humanitarian needs.” Israel, attempting to throttle the democratically elected Hamas government, generally permits

Only Iran Can End U.S. Iraq Nightmare

by Tony Karon As I wrote on last week, Bush is in no position to bring the Iraq war to a satisfactory conclusion; the U.S. is treading water in Iraq lacking both any reason to believe the current balance of forces there will allow the attainment of U.S. goals, and any leverage capable of altering that balance of power. The Democrats, for their part, are posturing, demanding an immediate

Iran Slams Kouchner comments and reiterates threat to US forces

TEHRAN — Iranian media launched a blistering attack on France Monday after its foreign minister warned the world to brace for war. Kouchner said Sunday his country must prepare for the possibility of war against Iran over its nuclear program. The French minister also told RTL radio and LCI television that the world’s major powers should use further sanctions against Iran. Kouchner said France had asked French firms not to

France says must prepare for possible war with Iran

By Francois Murphy PARIS (Reuters) – French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on Sunday his country must prepare for the possibility of war against Iran over its nuclear programme, but he did not believe any such action was imminent. Seeking to ratchet up the pressure on Iran, Kouchner also told RTL radio and LCI television that the world’s major powers should use further sanctions to show they were serious about

“Tikkun” on the Israel Lobby: bad for the world, bad for the USA, bad for Israel, bad for Jews

by Michael Lerner 1. A Zionist Boy Reads the Prophets—How I came to critique the Israel Lobby I grew up in the heart of what would eventually become the Israel Lobby in the U.S. My father and mother were national leaders of the Zionist movement in the U.S. My mother used to talk proudly of how, at five years old, I was standing outside the local bank on Bergen Street

British academics warn US is preparing “shock and awe” attack on Iran

by Peter Symonds An 80-page study written by two British security analysts and released on August 28 makes a chilling estimation of the overwhelming force that the US would use in the event of any attack on Iran. “The US has made military preparations to destroy Iran’s WMD, nuclear energy, regime, armed forces, state apparatus and economic infrastructure within days, if not hours, of President George W. Bush giving the

Bush setting America up for war with Iran

By Philip Sherwell in New York and Tim Shipman in Washington Senior American intelligence and defence officials believe that President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place America on the path to war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. Pentagon planners have developed a list of up to 2,000 bombing targets in Iran, amid growing fears among serving officers that diplomatic efforts to slow

Proxy war could soon turn to direct conflict, analysts warn

US strikes on Iran predicted as tension rises over arms smuggling and nuclear fears by Julian Borger and Ian Black for the Guardian The growing US focus on confronting Iran in a proxy war inside Iraq risks triggering a direct conflict in the next few months, regional analysts are warning. US-Iranian tensions have mounted significantly in the past few days, with heightened rhetoric on both sides and the US decision

A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: $108 Billion

By Shirl McArthur Global Research, September 15, 2007 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) Because of the uncertainties and ambiguities associated with U.S. aid to Israel, arriving at a precise figure for total direct U.S. aid to Israel probably is not possible. Parts of it are buried in the budgets of other government agencies—mostly the Defense Department (DOD)—or in a form not easily quantifiable—such as the early disbursement of

The War Empire Forgot

by Nebojsa Malic The September morning six years ago that saw three hijacked jetliners slam into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has often been called “the day everything changed.” What really changed was Americans’ skepticism of their own government – a fact that has been abused ever since. The man from Crawford who campaigned on the promise of a “more humble foreign policy” and against Clintonian “nation-building” quickly
