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Posts From The Saker

China, Bolivia and Venezuela are proof that social democracy cannot thrive in the global capitalist order

By Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked with: Pictured above: The US orchestrated coup in Bolivia is being led by White supremist, fascist, Christian fundamentalists, just the type of jackbooted brown shirts the West loves, in order to plunder and rape countries around the world. Washington, London and Paris put fascists and mass murderers in power, because they make Wall Street billions in criminal blood

Message for my Latin American friends (in the form of a song) UPDATED 2x!

Dear friends, I have to admit that I am absolutely heartbroken at the news coming out of Latin America.  Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia – everywhere the people are struggling against what has been known as “Yankee imperialism” for decades.  The pendulum of history has swung back and forth many times in Latin America.  I remember the civil war in Argentina just before the coup

Questionable Anniversaries

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog Distance of time or place can reconcile complacent minds to wonderful narratives. Besides, the greatest part of mankind has no other reason for their opinion than they are in fashion. The man involved in life is sometimes forced to believe without verification, and obliged to choose before he can examine. He is surprised by sudden alterations of the state of things, and changes

Iran vs. Mexico: ‘economic inflows’ versus ‘economic independence’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The principle is the same as when the French loaned money to North African beys in the 19th century: barring your perfect money management and zero outside shocks, foreign capital aims to ultimately control all your natural resources, capital and labor market for as long as possible. Hey, bey? Did you think they’d be glad you repaid your loan? Don’t you know that

Bolivia – A Color Revolution – or a New Surge for Latin American Independence?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Like Túpac Katari, indigenous Aymara leader more than 200 years ago, confronting the Spaniards, Evo Morales was betrayed and ‘dismembered’ by his own people, recruited and paid by the agents of the most destructive, nefarious and murderous dark elite that governs and has governed for over two hundred years our planet, the United States of America. With their worthless fiat-Ponzi-pyramid money, the made-out-of-thin-air

Adam Schiff Whistleblower Impeachment Based on a Tweet from Poland?

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog Look at the date in the above screen-shot. Read the summary again after you pick yourself up from off the floor. Adam Schiff and the Democratic Party are basing an impeachment of the President of the United States on…wait for it….a tweet? This particular tweet happened one day after the phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskiy. So, quick question- how does

Militarization of South America, Coup in Bolivia and Argentina’s rapprochement with the Eurasian powers

By Fabio Reis Vianna for The Saker Blog On October 29th, the Cycle of Seminars on World Economy Analysis, organized by professors Monica Bruckmann and Franklin Trein, received in the Noble Hall of the IFCS-UFRJ, in Rio de Janeiro, the illustrious presence of the former vice-president of the BRICS Development Bank, Professor Paulo Nogueira Batista. In the midst of the peculiar moment of social upheavals that are spreading throughout the

Some questions concerning the putsch in Bolivia

by Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog Preliminary note Of course, I have read the Saker’s article „A few short comments about the Fascist coup in Bolivia“, posted on November 12, as well as most of the comments. However, the predominant assessment did not satisfy me. Considering that my knowledge of the situation in South America is quite rudimentary and that my ideas were not clear enough, I was

Bill Taylor’s Private War with Donald Trump Ukraine and Russia

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog John Solomon of the Hill just penned a seminal article for people who want to understand how widespread the hate for Donald Trump is inside the State Department. If it was one or two activist diplomats, the problem would be easy to remedy. Unfortunately, Ambassador Yovanovitch is a symptom of a much greater problem that spread like cancer inside the agency. With over

Khamenei to Macron: Stop calling me – I’ve moved on

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog (Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming ‘Socialism’s Ignored

The Independent Ukraine’s painful journey through the five stages of grief

[this article was written for the Unz Review] In my July 25th article “Zelenskii’s dilemma” I pointed out the fundamental asymmetry of the Ukrainian power configuration following Zelenskii’s crushing victory over Poroshenko: while a vast majority of the Ukrainian people clearly voted to stop the war and restore some kind of peace to the Ukraine, the real levers of power in the post-Maidan Banderastan are all held by all sorts

Hezbollah’s Unchartered Frontier Turning Boggy:

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Four weeks on, the street protestors in Lebanon are not showing any signs of relenting; and neither is the government. An activist has been killed by a Lebanese Army bullet during an attempt to close the southern coastal highway that links Beirut with Saida. This incident occurred almost 24 hours after a televised interview of President Aoun in which he said that, if

A few short comments about the Fascist coup in Bolivia

These are the folks who just came to power: They are all members of some kind of Fascist “Christian” cult. This is what these folks did with those who dare oppose them: Trump loves this.  He called it a “significant moment for democracy in the Western Hemisphere” and then he proceeded to threaten two more Latin American states by saying “these events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes

Butina Reflection

by William Spencer for the Saker Blog Hi, I am writing this with a few men and women in mind I corresponded with a few months ago overseas, but I’d like to also share this with a wider audience. I am looking for an opportunity to connect with people in far away places even discover a plan that would allow me to live and work among them in their country,

QE paid for a foreign buying spree: developing countries hurt the most

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Of course, developing countries were not hurt by the subprime crisis because they were not involved – the idiocy, usury, malfeasance and willful blindness which caused the subprime housing and banking crises were purely a Western invention. This is why in the first years after 2009 developing markets produced stable growth – remember in 2010 when Brazil had “arrived”? Those days seem long
