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Posts From The Saker

Venezuela and Iran in the Crosshairs of Murderers Inc – Who is Next?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker blog Imagine just for a moment, the World would stand up in unison, sick and tired of the aggressive killer arrogance of the United States and her vassals – and their joint war-force called NATO – and this World, our World, what’s left of it when you deduct Washington and its Brussels allies, would at once block every shipment of everything destined for the

The dialectic of the Moscow Protests Hoax

by Scott Humor for The Saker Blog Bureaucracy is not alien to democracy If compared to the Bolotnaya Square color revolution attempt in 2011-2012, the Moscow Protests Hoax 2019 had a sunnier disposition, and went on playfully. The powers to be showed sense of humor and refinement not seen prior. The similarities, however, remain. The US Ambassador was sacked, again, for crude attempt to instill a riot. Scores of demonstrators

Why are Western leaders gawd awful bad and China’s so darn competent? Part II. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190807

By Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked with: Pictured here: my Sun Yat-Sen hat I wear, to which I have pinned the iconic Mao Zedong silhouette badge. Below his bust is his famous mantra, “Serve the People”, written in his very recognizable calligraphic style. Many people do not notice, but on the back is the millennial governance motto, “Preserve the Peace”. Walking around the streets

The Goods, the Bad and the Ugly

by Jimmie Moglia (and Patrizia Cecconi) for The Saker Blog In the instance, the goods are those boycotted by the BDS measure (Boycott-Divest-Sanctions), proposed in the American Congress . The bad are the US congressmen and politicians who sold their soul to the Jews for thirty pieces of silver, and rejected even the symbolic and extremely platonic ‘non-binding’ initiative of boycotting goods tainted by crime, theft, barbarities of all sorts,

Resistance report: New ceasefire stops Syrian Army offensive while Washington-Tehran row grows stranger by the day

by Aram Mizraei for The Saker Blog This week saw the Syrian Army re-commit to the previously undertaken Northwestern Syria offensive as they attacked and liberated several villages after a few weeks of relative calm across the battlefield. While terrorists still roam freely across Idlib and Hama, this offensive could be pivotal to the war effort as the aim would be to eliminate the jihadist presence in Latakia and Hama.

Iran or the fight for the strategic initiative

by Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog In the actual strategic situation, we can observe a dynamic equilibrium between the two main forces. On the one hand, we have the USA with its allies, on the other side, there are China, Russia and some important other countries. The side of the USA is the descending power, which has dominated the planet for a long period. It has a considerable

“Global Coalition of the Willing,” Ordinary Iranians’ Style: Resistance multiplied by Ethics plus Justice minus Oppression divided by Aggression

“Global Coalition of the Willing,” Ordinary Iranians’ Style: Resistance multiplied by Ethics plus Justice minus Oppression divided by Aggression by Mansoureh Tajik for The Saker Blog For a brief moment in human history, or what feels like only a fraction of a second now, the United States of America experienced a mirage of a position, dubbed a “superpower,” self-appointed1. Those who lacked ethical and moral imagination went along with that

War Gaming the Persian Gulf Conflict

By Blake Archer Williams for The Saker Blog Greetings from Tehran, the “Capital of the free world” (E. Michael Jones). A few days ago, Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst, had a brief post on Colonel Patrick Lang’s weblog, Sic Semper Tyrannis. Here’s the link: He gave four possible options, and invited the commenters to add others of their own. The whole post and the comments which followed were

Boris Johnson, Brexit and the Deep State

by Nick Griffin for The Saker Blog Nick Griffin, a life-long opponent of the European Union and former Member of the European Parliament, explains why – after three years of believing that the rulers of Britain would block Brexit, he now believes it is more likely than not to be delivered. Are the British people really going to get Brexit? For years, the answer given by well-informed realists has had

The last western Empire?

[this column was written for the Unz Review] “Missing the forest for the trees” is an apt metaphor if we take a look at most commentary describing the past twenty years or so. This period has been remarkable in the number of genuinely tectonic changes the international system has undergone. It all began during what I think of as the “Kristallnacht of international law,” 30 August September 1995, when the

MH17, The Number 17, Nicholas 2nd And The Western Ruling Elites’ 1000 Year War On Christianity!

by Marcus Godwyn for the Saker blog “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Walter Scott. Many many studies have been conducted, articles written, film documentaries made and many theories put forward, some very credible and others, well, less credible, of which the official, western, JIT theory is only one and one of the least credible, in the nearly five years since Malaysian Boeing

Clinton Era Bosnia War, Precedent to the “War on Terror”

by Stephen Karganovic for OpEdNews: The “Srebrenica massacre” is the greatest triumph of propaganda to emerge from the Balkan wars…..It is the symbol of Serb ‘evil’ and Bosnian Muslim ‘victimhood’, and the justice of the Western dismantling of Yugoslavia and intervention there at many levels, including a bombing war and colonial occupations of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.— Edward S. Herman, (R.I.P.). The dirty details of how the Bosnia war was covertly

Why are Western leaders gawd awful bad and China’s so darn competent? Part I.

By Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog 30 July 2019 Crosslinked with: Pictured above: it’s the Beavis and Butt-Head Show. Or is it Butt-Head and Beavis? Does it really matter? They, like all Western political leaders are suborned from the get-go, by global capitalist 1% elites. Every time I come back to the West, this time in France, comparing Eurangloland and China just slaps me in

The One People Americans Are Encouraged to Hate

by Yvonne Lorenzo for The Saker Blog How would you react if you read the following statements and found that they were spoken by government employees who are part of the American Deep State and have a great deal of power over the nation and you? Wouldn’t the prejudice appall and disgust you? “I do always hate the Israelis,” Lisa Page, a senior FBI lawyer on the Israel probe, testified

The Democratic Party’s AIPAC Candidates

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might as well be Israelis, though they’re both running for the Presidency of America. The PAC (officially a “lobbying organization”) called AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee, instead of “American Israel Political Action Committee”) represents some American Jews and Christian evangelicals — it represents the ones who place Israel’s Government above America’s Government, and who therefore lobby in

Nasrallah: ‘Full reason to believe I myself will pray in al-Quds (Jerusalem)’ – English Subs

Description: In a recent extended interview marking 13 years after the major conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that based on “logic” and the “development of events in the region and the world”, he has great hope that he himself will “pray in the al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem)”. Earlier in the interview, Nasrallah shared with viewers detailed war-time plans using maps of

Sanctions on Khamenei? Ending the myth of the ‘Millionaire Mullah’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog (cross-posted with PressTV) There are many pieces of nonsense about Iran which are fervently believed in the West but which have zero credibility inside Iran. “Millionaire Mullahs” is a concept which has captivated the Western imagination, even though it has no basis in reality. The idea of “Millionaire Mullahs” was conceived in 2003 by the uber-capitalist magazine Forbes. What’s worse, it was created

U.S. Economic Warfare and Likely Foreign Defenses*

by Michael Hudson, posted by special permission on the Saker blog * Keynote Paper delivered at the 14th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy, July 21, 2019. Today’s world is at war on many fronts. The rules of international law and order put in place toward the end of World War II are being broken by U.S. foreign policy escalating its confrontation with countries that refrain from giving

Iran’s Qods Force And Modern Proxy Wars

Based on the analysis prepared by Dennis M. Nilsen, PhD exclusively for SouthFront The Qods Force is the irregular warfare unit of Iran’s Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami).  Created during the Holy Defense to augment the capabilities of the Sepah to include irregular warfare, it has since become one of the chief means of expanding Iranian ‘soft power’ within the Middle East and throughout

Police Suicide in France: the whistle was blown, but the Macron regime pretends to be deaf

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Dear reader, if you enjoy my Yellow Vests reporting and want it to continue, then please consider becoming my Patron and helping me give the movement the fair English-language coverage it deserves. More information can be found here. (Photo taken by me on June 29th in Paris during a Yellow Vests demonstration) I think by now most people who are interested in geopolitics
