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Posts From The Saker

UAF aviation: five years of shame

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: Five years have passed since that memorable day when on June 2nd 2014 an attack jet of the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck a blow on the building of the Lugansk regional state administration. It wasn’t the first episode of the use of aviation in the civil war in Donbass. Military jets passed at low heights and broke

The 5th anniversary of the bombing of Lugansk

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: The Ukrainian authorities and media ignored the 5th anniversary of the tragic events in Lugansk, when a UAF warplane carried out an air strike on the building of the Lugansk regional state administration for the purpose of liquidating the leadership of the LPR, as a result of which passers-by suffered. “A Ukrainian Sukhoi, having made several circles over the center of

Special China SITREP & Analysis by Larchmonter445: China Decouples: China Will Not Be Contained by Trade War

China Decouples: China Will Not Be Contained by Trade War Four major events in a cluster, one to come this week. The percipient point of view about China under Chairman Xi (more powerful than Mao, though far less charismatic) is that China will not retreat from its destiny. Any notion that China would cave to Donald Trump’s demands in the Trade negotiations of the past year (yes it’s been a

Hassan Nasrallah: Without Hezbollah, South Lebanon would be Israel’s, Palestinian & Syrian Refugee Crisis must be solved

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 25, 2019, on the 19th anniversary of the Liberation of Lebanon. Translation:   Transcript: […] One of the most important results of this (May 25), 2000 victory, which was confirmed and strengthened over time, is to have shaped the equation of force in Lebanon. In 2000, with the Israeli defeat, it became clear that in Lebanon, a force had

LPR residents no longer believe Zelensky’s promises of peace after yet more Ukrainian shelling

Subtitles by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Two houses sustained damage as a result of shelling on May 29th carried out by the UAF on the settlement of Golubovsky, which is a part of front-line Kirovsk. “All this means that the new leadership of the Operation of Joint Forces (former ATO) headed by General Syrskiy continue the vector established by his predecessor General Nayev towards the extermination of the people

Nasrallah: ‘In Iran war, all US forces/interests to be eradicated, Israel/Saudi to pay price’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says that the US government knows very well that a war with Iran will entail the eradication of all its forces and interests in the Middle East, and that Israel, the House of Saud and all those who “colluded and schemed” with the US will “pay the price”. Speaking at a ceremony to mark ‘International Quds Day’, Nasrallah was giving his take on the

‘Secularism is separation of religion from all of life, not only politics’: Kuwaiti Scholar – English Subs

Video link: Description: Prominent Kuwaiti thinker and media personality Dr Abd al-Aziz al-Qattan says that the Western notion of secularism is not the separation of religion from politics, but in fact the separation of religion from all aspects of daily life. Source: (YouTube) Date: May 21, 2019 Transcript: —————————————————————————————————— Help MEO grow with even $1/month on Patreon:… Subscribe – Website Mailing List: Like – Facebook page:… Follow –

Kirk Meighoo interviews the Saker on The “Russia Question” and the “New Cold War”

also, please check out these downloadable audio / podcasts here: iTunes: Spotify: Shout Engine: Stitcher: NOTE: I got something very wrong during the interview: the purchase of Louisiana was in 1803 whereas the purchase of Alaska was in 1867!

“White Helmets”, gas attacks, & evil Russians: The new “Call of Duty” video game is CIA propaganda?

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog We’re in the Middle East, and after a big explosion caused by an aerial bombing, a female child is stuck under all of the rubble, people come to remove the remaining rubble and pull the girl out. Then toxic gas is deployed. Does this description sound familiar? No, it’s not the contents of the latest script dispatched by the US State Department to

Ukraine’s own examination found that the use of the UAF against the population of Donbass is illegal

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: The Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass are being used illegally ― such a conclusion, shocking for “patriots”, was made by experts of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. According to Oleg Zhivotov, the lawyer of the former head of the General Staff of the UAF Vladimir Zamana, who is suspected of committing treason and dismantling the Ukrainian army during the

The British Army and the “Extreme Right Wing”

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Buzzfeed, whose reputation can hardly be described as trustworthy, reported on May 29th that a genuine document – the British Army’s guide for spotting the “Extreme Right Wing” – has been leaked online. According to Buzzfeed, the MOD told the agency that “the document was produced in late 2017 after the arrest of four soldiers who were accused of being affiliated with the banned neo-Nazi

Russia forced PACE to hand over Ukraine

By Ivan Danilov Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: A potential break was outlined on the European front of the diplomatic fight for common sense. Thanks to the correct Russian strategy, influential European leaders ripened for correcting an old injustice that became the character of spoiled Russian-European relations and returned to the Russian delegation all rights within the structures of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of

Chatham House Called to Update the Political Elite of Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard source: The heritage of the Soviet past and the transitional 1990’s slowed down the emergence in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine of a generation of reformist leaders advocating the principles and values of “good governance”. Politicians are not capable of undertaking democratic reforms, despite the help from abroad. This is stated in the report of the British Royal Institute of International Affairs “Chatham House”, according

Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report (Part 2)

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Background When the words “Yellow Vests”/“Yellow Jackets”/“Gilets Jaunes” are heard or read by someone who is more inclined to read sources of information that cannot be described as mainstream/corporate media, they most likely will say “Ah yes, I know who they are/what it is!” and recount what they heard or saw in the past when this topic was popular… for about a month.

Assange: A New Immoral Western Precedent

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Every time I write about how low the West has stooped, even make predictions as to how much further it is prepared to slump, I find that my wildest imaginations are surpassed in no time at all. The arrest of Julian Assange and the foray of charges he is suddenly facing is now reaching a point that should only be seen as a

The beneficiaries of the parliamentary election in Ukraine

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: The Rada agreed to opt for an election, some deputies are going to challenge the constitutionality of the decree of the president, and the parliament refused to change electoral laws. It’s funny. Deputies did not show even conditional resistance in relation to the most basic point – the question of dissolution. But they rigidly opposed the electoral laws that are

What the West can learn: Yellow Vests are demanding a Cultural Revolution (8/8)

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog For years I have talked about “White Trash Revolutions”, and the emergence of the Yellow Vests proves that my finger is perfectly on the pulse of things: the only people publicly wearing “Yellow Vests” on the streets of Paris prior to November 17, 2018, were… garbage men. So, imagine me, with my love of Trash Revolutions of all hues (Iran’s 1979 “Revolution of

Srebrenica And Jasenovac: The Genuine Difference Between A Phony And Real Genocide

by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker blog [1] Our investigation of Srebrenica points to some very important insights concerning Jasenovac. Jasenovac, for those who are unfamiliar with it, was a death camp in the Nazi satellite “Independent State of Croatia” during World War II, also known as the “Auschwitz of the Balkans.” What is the link? It is that while the massacre in Srebrenica, arising from the conflict which took
