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Breaking Articles

Hacking the human mind

The One and Only Significant Story About WHATSAPP’s Privacy Debate By Amir NOUR[1] for the Saker Blog “It’s only hubris if I fail” (Gaius Julius Caesar) Two years ago, almost to the day, I wrote a piece[2] in these same columns. What I thought was an important topic, namely the close and dangerous relationship between the GAFAs and transhumanism, went somewhat unnoticed, compared to other more pressing issues on the

America’s First Revolution Is Happening Now

by Paul Craig Roberts reposted on the Saker by permission source: Hear me out and you will understand the title. There is a difference between a rebellion and a revolution.  A rebellion is what occurred in the thirteen colonies in the late 18th century.  A revolution is what occurred in Russia in 1917. A rebellion occurred in the colonies, because the subjects of the king in the colonies were treated differently

US economic decline and global instability

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog Summary The US emerged from WWII as the world’s preeminent economic and military power. Seven decades later, American power is in decline, a direct consequence of decades of neoliberal economic policies, spending large amounts of public money on the military and attainment of economic/military parity by Russia and China. These policies have eroded US economic strength and are undermining the role of the dollar

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – annual Q&A press conference in Moscow

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s annual press conference in Moscow, summing up the results of Russian diplomacy and foreign policy during 2020. Please forward the video to time marker 19:40.  Transcript now being loaded up below as it becomes available:       Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, This is our traditional news conference on the foreign policy outcomes of 2020. It is traditional, but remote. We opted for a format

Why doesn’t Syria retaliate to Israeli attacks? Nasrallah’s response

source: Interview with Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on May 26, 2020, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Liberation of South Lebanon, followed by his December 27, 2020 annual interview. US-Israel play poker, Resistance Axis plays chess. « The Resistance Axis is very vigilant and watchful during this period (of transition between Trump & Biden), and must scrupulously take care not to

China Newsbrief and Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts – selected from his extensive weekly newsletter : Here Comes China You can get it here: We start the regular sitrep with Godfree’s new book Why China Leads the World.  I’m reading now and will write a book review after working my way through all five parts of this detailed tome.  (Amarynth) To put the World in order, we must first put the nation in order;

The American Brumaire

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog During the late nineteenth century, the United States was the world’s most advanced capitalist country. According to orthodox (and I emphasise orthodox) Marxist theory this should have resulted in the rise of socialist movements. The development of capitalism and its internal contradictions was considered to eventually produce the situation and means that will bring about the termination of the capitalist order and establishment of socialism. Why, then, has there

Trump’s not-so-secret art of containing China

by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times. It was hardly a secret throughout the Trump administration. Now, dying embers within sight, and with minimum fanfare, comes the declassification – virtually the whole document, minus a few redactions – of the US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific. Why now, no less than 30 years before the usual, standard US declassification/public record protocols apply? Don’t expect an answer

The Sheep Syndrome

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog Today and during the last few days new “measures” – restrictions of freedom imposed by governments for reasons of “public health security”, i. e. preventing the spread of covid infections – have been tightened throughout Europe. Literally, these treacherous governments say, “we have to tighten the screws”. Seriously. WTF – who do they think they are? Servant of the people who elected them

Democrats Launch Their Assault on Red State America – Civil War Heats Up

by Paul Craig Roberts reposted on the Saker by permission source: The opening salvo against red state America is the article of impeachment against President Trump introduced on January 11 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Representatives David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin.  So much for Biden’s promise to “unify the country.” What is the intent of this article of impeachment?  It cannot possibly be to remove Trump from

The Empire is losing the energy war

by The Ister for The Saker Blog We can see the ongoing war against Russia’s energy industry as an act of revenge from the Empire – but a war which it is losing. After Putin prevented the looting of the country’s energy reserves in the early 2000s, this economic war was launched, designed to cripple the nascent Russian Federation’s oil and gas industry and by extension the Russian economy as

WEF and the “Jobs Reset Summit”- A New Outrage in Disguise

By Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Jobs Reset Summit report (October 2020) starts out with some flowery wording. You have to give it to them. They have a way with meaningless niceties, hardly anybody beats them. Here we go for the beginning: “After years of growing income inequality, concerns about technology driven displacement of jobs, and rising societal discord globally, the combined health and

Is America’s Future a Civil War?

Will it become a world war? by Paul Craig Roberts reposted on the Saker by permission source: As a person who grew up in the glorious aftermath of World War II, it never occurred to me that in my later years I would be pondering whether the United States would end in civil war or a police state.  In the aftermath of the stolen presidential election, it seems a

Biggest threat to global leftism returns to power: US fake-leftism (1/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) for the Saker Blog It was an interesting ride, at least, but the Electoral College’s vote for Joe Biden marks the definitive end of the Donald Trump presidency. Trump was somebody you could never support in a vacuum, only by comparison; there’s nothing wrong with a united Europe but not this American-penned, neoliberal version, so it’s clear why Britain chose Brexit; France has long been the

Nativity of our Lord and Open Thread

Dear friends I want to express my best wishes to all the Orthodox Christians who are celebrating the Nativity of our Lord today: may this day be peaceful and filled with joy! I will be gone most of the day, so I leave yet another open thread with a suggested topic: “what will happen next now that the Dems total control all *four* branches of government (the usual 3 +

The Assange saga: Practicing real journalism is criminally insane

By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times Synchronicity is definitely fond of mirror wonderwalls. The Julian Assange saga seemed to have entered a new chapter as he was, in thesis, on his way to – conditional – freedom this past Monday, only one day after the first anniversary of the start of the Raging Twenties: the assassination of Maj Gen Qassem Soleimani. The fate of the

‘No. of Hezbollah’s precision missiles more than what Israel thinks’: Quds Force

Original link:   Description: Brigadier General Mohammad Hejazi, Deputy Commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, addresses Israeli speculations regarding Hezbollah’s game-changing precision-guided missiles. Source: Al Mayadeen TV (You Tube) Date: January 3, 2021 (Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here: Transcript: – The Host: With regards to a point that the Israeli occupation continuously talks about, and even further, (the Israelis) declare
