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Breaking Articles

Western Bankocracy: Banks loaned 0.2% of $600 billion in Main Street lending plan

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Bloomberg reported that the Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Program (MSLP) has left 99.8% of its $600 billion loan pool untapped. So if you work for one of the just 118 medium-sized businesses who have acquired a loan – congrats, you might just make it through 2020. Just as the Eurozone was emphatically reminded during its pre-Covid “Austerity Decade”, government-issued Quantitative Easing will

We’ve met the ‘enemy within’ – and he’s us.

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog ‘’ … the malaise and disunity within exhausted and fearful Western countries makes it more difficult for them to negotiate together a new international set-up with the world’s rising nations. Also providing them with a convenient foreign scapegoat for the West’s economic troubles the rise of China helps Westerners evade the genuine roots of their economic issues which are closer to home. These

The last taboo: A postscript and way forward

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog Dear reader, this time I shall not test your patience by producing another behemoth. Rather, I would like briefly to summarise and extend the lessons of my previous article as well as discuss some of the reaction to it. First, let me thank Saker again for giving me a platform and Vladimir, Epithet, Djole, Marko, Katerina and many other comrades who were not

US Deputy Secretary of State Was Afraid to Eat Russian Soup. Navalny and SWIFT (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leonya. During the US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun’s visit in Moscow the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov treated him to shchi [soup] with forest mushrooms. The journalists noted however that during the public part of the negotiations, the Americans did not touch the treat. They must have heard plenty of their media’s fairy tales about the supposed poisoning of Navalny. The Rubber

Weekly China Newsbrief and Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts selected from his extensive weekly newsletter : Here Comes China This week’s selection includes a separate explanation on just how the Chinese Communist Party and Government operates.  For those that visit these weekly Sitreps to learn, this may put an end to the regular discussion items of just how bad the CCP is.  You did know that China has six political parties, did you?  The people that

Presidents that play chess

by Katerina for the Saker Blog This is a follow-up to my previous contribution, the “Relentless March” and I have to warn you, this one will be much harsher as it will be highlighting some home truths for east Europeans. If you are not ready or simply do not want to face those, I suggest you stop reading now. In this essay, among other things, I will also try to

How Xinjiang “interferes” with the EU-China deal

By Pepe Escobar with permission from the author and first posted at Asia Times A Beijing-Brussels-Berlin special: that was quite the video-summit. From Beijing, we had President Xi Jinping. From Berlin, Chancellor Angela Merkel. And from Brussels, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The Chinese billed it as the first summit “of its kind in history”. It was actually

Why the US left loses: they can’t support Kyle Rittenhouse & Kenosha’s Jacob Blake

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog There isn’t a news event this year which reveals the US left’s ability to continually aggravate the urban/rural divide more than the case of Kyle Rittenhouse. Their problem is that they cannot understand, or often merely just consider, that positive socio-political impulses may have been his actual motivation. Rittenhouse is the 17-year old who shot three people during the Jacob Blake protests in

Reconsidering the Presidential Election

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] In early July I wrote a piece entitled “Does the next Presidential election even matter?” in which I made the case that voting in the next election to choose who will be the next puppet in the White House will be tantamount to voting for a new captain while the Titanic is sinking. I gave three specific reasons why I thought that

Why Today’s India is on the Wrong Side of History

by Allen Yu for the Saker Blog Recently, I wrote a short comment in the piece India’s border policies line with Thalassa noting that “India is on the wrong side of history.” It was too “conclusory” a comment deserves to be better explained. So I’d like to take a brief time why I think India is on the wrong side of history in siding with America against China today. I’d

Outcome of a disputed US vote: a ‘Hot Fall’ or an ‘Icy Crusade’?

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with Press TV In the 21st century a disputed vote in the US presidential election is almost a 50-50 proposition: if November’s popular and electoral college votes do not correspond yet again that would mark the third such occurrence in the last six presidential elections. A disputed vote has produced dramatic changes: the disputed election of Republican Rutherford (also known as “Rutherfraud”) B. Hayes in

Lebanese academic explains Khamenei’s roadmap for ‘New Islamic Civilization’

Middle East Observer Description: The following is a translation of an Arabic article by Lebanese academic Dr Muhammad Mohsen Olleik, in which he analyses the roadmap by Iran’s Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei for the building of a new “Islamic Civilization”. Olleik, a lecturer in Education and Islamic Studies from the Lebanese University, says that the Islamic world today is before a “golden opportunity” that can bring about the revival of

From 9/11 to the Great Reset

by Pepe Escobar with permission from the author and first posted at Asia Times 9/11 was the foundation stone of the new millennium – ever as much indecipherable as the Mysteries of Eleusis. A year ago, on Asia Times, once again I raised a number of questions that still find no answer. A lightning speed breakdown of the slings and arrows of outrageous (mis)fortune trespassing these two decades will certainly

Trump vs. The Military Industrial Complex: Military Coup Danger Escalates

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog At this week’s Labor Day conference, President Trump threw down the gauntlet in opposition to the Anglo American military industrial complex when both inspired hope in many onlookers that the age of America’s “endless wars” might finally come to an end, but also fear that an emergence Military Coup danger was nigh. This danger was enunciated by State Senator Richard Black (a former

Voters can’t see if Biden is senile until the debates in US-style democracy

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog US pundits may adore the presidential debates, but political scientists have concluded that “…when it comes to shifting enough votes to decide the outcome of the election, presidential debates have rarely, if ever, mattered.” That’s absolutely not the case in 2020 – politics is not at all a “science”, of course. The most important issue in the US today is, incredibly, largely banned

Evidence the U.S. Is a Dictatorship, Not a Democracy

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On September 2nd, Pew Research — one of America’s most respected polling organizations — issued findings from their survey of 11,001 U.S. adults between July 27 and Aug. 2, 2020, regarding three important questions that are indicative of whether or not Americans believe the U.S. Government to be a democracy, or instead a dictatorship. These are those three findings: “Elected officials face serious

The last taboo

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog The prologue While writing this piece I promised myself that I would not offer it to our gracious host until my previous article achieved 20000 reads. Having reached that high watermark, I am grateful to the Saker for this opportunity to share my views with such a large and knowledgeable audience and hope that the gentle reader will find this next experiment to

Julian Assange, Prometheus Bound

By Pepe Escobar and cross-posted with Consortium News He is being punished not for stealing fire – but for exposing power under the light of truth and provoking the god of Exceptionalism.  Police ejecting Julian Assange from Ecuadorian embassy in London, April 11, 2019. (YouTube) This is the tale of an Ancient Greek tragedy reenacted in AngloAmerica. Amid thundering silence and nearly universal indifference, chained, immobile, invisible, a squalid Prometheus

Serbia SITREP: Kosovo – the endless game

by Zoran Petrov for The Saker Blog UPDATE! Although I tried to predict possible outcomes from White House meeting, the results were more then a surprise! What is obvious from 2 (or 3 days) summit is that stakes of the actual three party meeting were different from those involving Belgrade-Pristina. Thanks to coming presidential elections in US, Serbia managed to get some concessions that were impossible before (see images from

Bipartisan effort to oust the outsider Trump makes 2nd US stimulus unlikely

By Ramin Mazaheri and by author permission crossposted with Sputniknews. We are currently experiencing the biggest era of American division in 50 years, but one thing Americans are united in is that they want additional coronavirus stimulus: a poll last week showed 70% of respondents demand a re-routing of taxes back their way. The reasons for that are too numerous to list here, but it’s not hyperbole to summarise that
