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Breaking Articles

New York Times: “Putin has destroyed the US science and medicine” (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and subtitled by Eugenia Gurevich. Translator’s notes: Translator’s notes: (1) “liberoid” opposition – Ruslan mockingly refers to the Russian liberal opposition, which is anything but liberal; (2) “Sumerians” – this is a mocking reference to the Ukrainians; some Ukrainian “historians” claim that the Ukrainian “civilization” is as ancient as the Sumerian; (3) Shaman coming to chase off Putin – a reference to a bizarre situation last year when a

Is the United States About to Engage in Official State Piracy Against China? Strong Precedent Points to Worrying Trend

by A. B. Abrams for The Saker Blog The Coronavirus crisis appears set to herald a new era of much poorer relations between China and the Western world, with Western countries having borne the brunt of the fallout from the pandemic and, particularly in the United States, increasingly blaming China at an official level for the effects.[1] Looking at the U.S. case in particular, at first responses to the virus

Same 2008 QE playbook, but the Eurozone will kick off Western chaos not the US

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog US bankers caused the Great Recession, and thus the US was the first to suffer economic turmoil. The coronavirus is a novel malady: we now know that it only severely attacks infirm and unstable bodies – it’s not overly facile to graft this idea onto the global economy. Therefore, among Western nations and their client states it is the Eurozone (the weakest link

Will this pandemic finally mark the end of the US carrier fleet?

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Frankly, I have never considered USN carrier strike groups as a “Cold War capable” element of the US Navy.  Yes, in theory, there was the notion of forward deploying these carriers to “bring the war to the Soviets” (on the Kola Peninsula) before they could flush their subs and aircraft through the GUIK gap and into the Atlantic.  In theory, it should

No, the dollar will only strengthen post-corona, as usual: it’s a crisis, after all

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog There is a lot of chatter about how the coronavirus economic overreaction and subsequent US bailouts will end the dollar’s reign as the global reserve currency – such wishful thinking is shortsighted and ignores even recent Western capitalist history. Last November, in a then-boring but now-prescient 10-part series (I socialistically re-interpreted ex-Wall Streeter Nomi Prins’ book Collusion, which chronologically detailed the QE-spreading collusion

A view from Russia – Well-coordinated teamwork always gives the best results

translated by VG and edited by EG for the Saker blog By way of foreword, I want to point out how much attention the Deputy Prime Minister pays to the issues of coherence and mutual understanding of all employees of the state agencies working towards a single goal – the prosperity of the people of Russia. Despite the devastation that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought, despite the unjustified

LDNR State Building – Interview with Donetsk People’s Republic MP Fransua Modeme

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog It’s a rarity to come across people with a singular focus of helping others and I hope this interview as well as Christelle Neant and Sergey Dzhura really showcases the qualities that drive them. In the course of my work, I don’t normally have the opportunity to write about people in such glowing terms. Francois Modeme is an accomplished lead singer with the

America’s rigged democracy: The oligarch takeover of America’s political system

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker blog The coronavirus and related financial crisis ravaging America have revealed the country to be the dysfunctional, borderline failed state that it is. America’s dysfunction is broad in scope but almost entirely traceable to one common origin: the oligarch takeover of the economy, media, healthcare and political system. I have already reported on the first three of these , and here I will dissect what’s so fundamentally wrong

Pity post-corona Millennials… if they don’t openly push socialism

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog I’m only three years from being a Millennial myself but, wow! They sure have had a much rougher go of it: Most of them were teenagers when the “victory” of the “leader of the free world” came crashing down on 9/11. Jingoistic hysteria against (fictitious, always Pentagon-supported) Islamic radicalism was followed by the Great Recession. The alleged “economic recovery” was always limited to

Full speech about Imam Mahdi and the West’s moral failure against coronavirus

The following is the full text of a televised speech delivered on April 9, 2020 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of the 15th of Sha’ban. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master Muhammad, and upon his pure household May the auspicious

Bernie Sanders, the ultimate fake Socialist, now shows his true face

RT just posted an article entitled “Sanders joins Biden livestream to give full-throated ENDORSEMENT” which begins like this: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders made a surprising appearance on former Vice President joe Biden’s livestream to give the rival for the Democrat presidential nomination an enthusiastic endorsement against President Donald Trump. Denouncing Trump as a “racist, sexist, homophobe” who “lies all the time,” Sanders announced he was now supporting Biden’s presidential bid.

A quick message for “censored” crybabies

Dear crybabies, I think I need to explain a few things to you: First, the Saker blog is the Saker‘s blog and not your blog or a public blog.  So your First Amendment rights don’t apply here.  Cry me a river! Second, you are mistaken if you think you got “censored” for your views or ideas.  In fact, except for clear cases of racism (this is the only “view” I

No buybacks allowed or dared? Then wave goodbye to stock market gains

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog High-finance-dissident site ZeroHedge retweeted this: “Everything that is wrong with America, in one image.” Indeed, but it’s old news: not adding strings to Quantitative Easing totally untethered Western stocks from market fundamentals. That certainly shouldn’t be old news to The New York Times, who addressed this same issue with Everything Is Awful. So Why Is the Stock Market Booming? They incredibly concluded their

Confucius is winning the Covid-19 war

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Compare hundreds of millions of Asians’ serene response to the coroavirus crisis with the West’s fear, panic and hysteria As the Raging Twenties unleash a radical reconfiguration of the planet, coronavirus (literally “crowned poison”) has for all practical purposes served a poisoned chalice of fear and panic to myriad, mostly Western, latitudes. Berlin-based, South Korean-born philosopher Byung-Chul Han has forcefully argued the victors are the

Hassan Nasrallah: the coronavirus battle is a health & social war, Western leaders are lying

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 13, 2020, devoted almost exclusively to the global health crisis caused by Covid-19 and the measures that each individual must take to protect himself and others. When this speech was delivered, there were 124 Covid-19 cases and 3 deaths in Lebanon; on April 12th, 630 cases & 20 deaths were accounted for.  Source: Translation:  Transcript: […] Among the

Russian filmmaker speaks the (often obfuscated) truth about the USSR during WWII

An excerpt form the popular Russian talk show “An evening with Vladimir Solovyov”. Translated and subtitled by Eugenia. A well-known Russian filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov discusses the meaning of the WWII memory for the Russian society and the Russian people. The context of the discussion was the proposed constitutional amendments. Translator’s notes: (1) The Soviet division consisted of 10,000 soldiers. (2) The British light cruiser Edinburgh carrying 5.5 tons of the

Saker announcement: you can now talk to me on my Telegram channel

Dear friends, I have good news:  It is now possible for you to talk directly with me on my Telegram channel! As I have already explained in the past, my have canceled my mailing list and replaced it with a Telegram channel.  I have spoken to my friend (Fedor) who so kindly created the channel and we decided to add a interaction capability to the channel.  However, and especially in

Why does the UK have an ‘army’ of volunteers but the US has a shortage?

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog In just 24 hours the UK saw nearly a half-million people volunteer to deliver food and medicine to the nation’s 1.5 million elderly and vulnerable people. Nearly 750,000 signed up, so many that they had to turn people away. In the US the situation is the opposite: there are no shortage of stories such as NPR’s, Coronavirus Drives Away Volunteers Just As They’re

The Thing is…

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog A ‘thing’ is a ‘thing’ because it’s not something else. The ‘thing’ we are presently preoccupied with is the coronavirus, a thing that has become the scourge that presently eclipses every other scourge, even the Western Worlds’ penchant for continuous warfare. The self-incarcerated multitude…of which I am one…might well wonder (at this time) what lies around the next corner. Some of us in
