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Breaking Articles

Russia expels American diplomats and intelligence operatives

by Scott Humor In the last days of 2016, one couldn’t do enough to avoid announcements of 35 Russian diplomats being expelled from the US and Russian government-owned property being seized. Every five minutes on every channel, there was footage of people burdened with children and suitcases waiting on wet tarmac for a plane to pick them up, because they weren’t allowed to remain inside the airport building. Also, there

Was Marx a Marxist?

by Jimmie Moglia Many confound what they think with what they know. With Marx, personal notions of Marxism often justify arbitrary conclusions, reflecting the perceiver’s prejudice, fancy or indoctrination. Any related discussion turns then into a vicious circle of arguments searching for proofs, and proofs that are but someone’s opinions. Furthermore, various currently-popular and alternative media sources, when referring to Marxism, utter remarkable nonsense, misrepresentation and even slander. All this

5’000 miles later, I am finally back home :-)

Dear friends, When I decided to drive back instead of flying back, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Naively, I had planned on a huge 2’500 miles long trip.  What actually happened is that I grossly underestimated the actual size of this huge country and how much “sightseeing” would add to the trip.  Instead of 2’500 miles I actually ended up driving 5’000 miles, that’s

Russia’s Navy Day parade 2017 in Saint Petersburg

The Main Naval Parade in St Petersburg July 30, 2017 An entire parade in two minutes   St Petersburg Vladimir Putin arrived in St Petersburg on Navy Day to review the Main Naval Parade held in the Neva and inner harbour of Kronstadt. In accordance with the Presidential Executive Order of July 27, 2017, the Main Naval Parade was held for the first time in Russia’s modern history. The parade

Macron’s approval drops 10 points, but what could disturb Jupiter’s repose?

by Ramin Mazaheri It’s the second-largest drop in postwar French history in the first 3 months of a presidency – only Chirac plunged further. Macron’s approval rating currently stands at 54%, and while that would be (shockingly) good in 2021, it’s terrible for a new president, said this here journalist who insists on context for statistics. Francois Hollande’s approval rating after 100 days was the lowest in postwar history, at

Russia’s Foreign Ministry’s statement on the U.S. counter-sanctions

№ 1420-28-07-2017 28.07.17 Foreign Ministry’s statement   On July 27, the US Congress passed a new bill on tougher anti-Russia sanctions. This measure is further proof of the Unites States’ extremely hostile foreign policy. Hiding behind its sense of superiority, the United States arrogantly ignores the stances and interests of other countries. It is common knowledge that the Russian Federation has been doing everything in its power to improve bilateral

Vladimir Putin and Sauli Niinisto a joint news conference following bilateral talks.

Joint news conference with President of Finland Sauli Niinisto Vladimir Putin and Sauli Niinisto gave a joint news conference following bilateral talks. July 27, 2017 17:30 Punkaharju President of Finland Sauli Niinisto (retranslated): Welcome! I am sorry for keeping you waiting, but we had a lot of interesting topics to discuss. This year, Finland celebrates the 100th anniversary of its independence, and we very much appreciate the fact that President Putin came here and will join us in celebrating this event. At the same time, we

How Kiev Takes Kurt Volker for an Idiot

by Scott Humor Regardless of what the US’s new envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, thinks of himself, he arrived to Ukraine to buy a Brooklyn Bridge, whether he wanted it or not. Among the aboriginals populating Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk-Tel-Aviv triangle, the favored scheme is a real estate fraud. It generally goes like this: we show you a great property with a sea view, you pay us money; after taking your money, we disappear leaving you to take

Message from the Saker on the road

Dear friends, An old military saying goes “no plan survives the first contact with the enemy”.  I think I will modify it and say that no plan survives the first contact with reality.  In my case my plan was to fly back home and be back at my computer by the 27th of July.  I have had to make a rather dramatic change to this plan and now I will

Made in Russia V SITREP

by Scott Humor Made In Russia SITREP IV What does Russia produce? 3 What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2    Time – Forward! #253  Russian transcript We often hear that Russia spends too much money for the defense and that we should give this money away to poor people and pensioners.  Let’s see if this statement is true. But before, a few news for the past

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: The Emerging Multipolar World – Seeking a US Foreign Policy with Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.  This time the topic was The Emerging Multipolar World – Seeking a US Foreign Policy with Saker.   I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here is the main page of the interview: You can listen to the interview here: You can get the transcript in PDF format here: I highly

Comparing ‘coups’: Macron’s is one, Maduro’s is not

by Ramin Mazaheri Of course the biggest coup of them all is the American Deep State (now available for the first time ever!) against Trump. After that the biggest coup was the one against Mohamed Morsi, because Egypt is more than double the size of Ukraine. Seems like Morsi’s problem was that his “Islamist coup” was approved by referendum and thus not a coup at all. What Erdogan learned from

Trump Cannot Improve Relations With Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations

by Paul Craig Roberts President Trump Has Been Contradicted by His Own Government, Which Has Lined Up Against Him in Favor of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the Russophobic Presstitute Media that serves the military/security complex and the neoconservatives. I am afraid that The Saker and Finian Cunningham are correct. Nothing can come of Trump’s meeting with Putin, because, as Cunningham puts it, “Trump doesn’t have freedom or

How Russia should deal with the “Pilban Syndrome” (PBS)

A reader, SunriseState, has recently posted the following question in the comments section: “what would you say is the most optimal Russian strategy vs Poland?“.  When I read it I thought “now that is an interesting question indeed!”.  Today I will try to answer it, going step by step. First, a diagnosis. There is a Polish syndrome.  We can ascribe all sorts of causes for it, some will describe the

Putin and Trump stage-manage a win-win meeting

by Pepe Escobar for The Asia Times From the start, the “positive chemistry” in the Mother of All Sit-Downs was a given. The format – with only the four principals, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and two translators – prevented any leaks. What was originally scheduled for 35 minutes went on for 2 hours and 16 minutes, and not even an impromptu

President Putin holds press conference at G20 in Hamburg

President of Russia Vladimir Putin answered journalists’ questions on the results of the two-day G20 Summit. July 8, 2017 17:20 Hamburg       President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Allow me to skip any statements and monologues. You have seen and heard everything, a great deal. Let us get straight to questions. Go ahead, please. Question: Mr President, both experts and ordinary people, some of whom are rampaging near this building now, are known to have different opinions on the usefulness of G20 summits.

Comfortable places for proxy wars, Jewish strength, monarchy, Terminator 2 and other news

July 8th, 2017 by Scott Humor and Baaz   Family photo at G20 Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line, but Macron jumped in and saved the moment. Family photo #G20Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line :)Good boy Macron jumped in, saved the moment — Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) July 7, 2017 Emmanuel Macron jostled his way to the front of

The first Putin-Trump meeting yields… …something very close to nothing

First, we have the manner in which the Americans have been preparing the G20 summit.  As we all know, in diplomacy actions count as much, or even more, than words.  Here are just a few of the actions recently taken by the Americans in preparation for the G20 summit and Trump’s first meeting with Putin (in no particular order): The US rejected the joint Russian-Chinese plan to defuse the crisis
