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Breaking Articles

Trade – States – Markets

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog The customary argument that ‘free-trade’ promotes global growth will, given an appropriate policy mixture of specialisation and comparative advantage, result in a rise in the maximisation of growth in particular and trade in general. Well, this is the conventional wisdom that is usually trotted out in the textbooks and university lecture halls. Moreover, governments across the board continue to be heavily engaged, either

Open Thread for today

This is an open thread for discussion of everything Saker related. Two notes to start it off: The Russian MoD released a very interesting additional statement, beyond their usual factual briefings.  It reads as follows: ◽️Successful offensive of Russian units towards Lugansk within 5 days has resulted in the liberation of Loskutovka, Podlesnoye, Mirnaya Dolina, Shchebkaryer, Vrubovka, Nyrkovo, Nikiolayevka, Novoivanovka, Ustinovka and Ray-Aleksandrovka. ◽️Group of Ukrainian units has been completely

BRICS Summit

Vladimir Putin took part in the 14th BRICS Summit, held via videoconference and chaired by China.   The meeting’s topic is Foster High-Quality BRICS Partnership, Usher in a New Era for Global Development. President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, and President of the Republic of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa are also taking part in the meeting. The Beijing Declaration of the 14th BRICS Summit formalises the key agreements of the meeting. * * * Speech by the President of the Russian Federation at the BRICS Summit President

Sergey Lavrov’s Presser at a joint news conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a joint news conference following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Tehran, June 23, 2022 Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank my colleague, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the hospitality extended to me and my delegation from the first minutes of my stay on Iranian

The Musket and the Noodle Stall: A Strategic Comparison

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog In big-chunk terms, in the world today we see a contest between the Chinese economy and the American military, between Chinese dynamism and American coercion. Sure, China has a military and the US has an economy. Yet the emphasis, and spirit are as described. The United States gives priority to the military over civilian economy, with military spending increasing at the expense of

Exile on Main Street: The Sound of the Unipolar World Fading Away

The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states. The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Let’s cut to the chase and roll in the Putin Top Ten of the New Era, announced by the Russian President live at the St. Petersburg forum  for both the Global North and South. The era of

Myths from the Past and the Third Incarnation of Russia since 1721

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog The First and Second Incarnations of Russia The Russian Lands existed for well over a thousand years before 2022 and took on many highly significant political and geographical forms. These could be described at another time; here we do not have space. However, in the last 300 years, between 1721 and 24 February 2022, they had known only two incarnations: The Russian Empire (1721-1917),

Letter from Faina Savenkova

Truth is the way out of chaos To Journalist Tucker Carlson Hello, Tucker. I am 13 years old and I live in Lugansk. I think many people from the American authorities do not even know where it is, but they continue to supply weapons to Ukraine for the war with Russia. For a week now, Ukrainian artillery has been mercilessly shelling Donetsk, killing civilians in the Donbass. It’s one thing

Sitrep: International reserve currency based on a basket of BRICS currencies.

This news just out – MAJOR! Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that banks from BRICS nations can freely connect to the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS), Russia’s alternative to SWIFT. While addressing a BRICS business forum, Putin said that together with its BRICS partners – Brazil, India, China and South Africa – Russia is developing reliable alternatives for international payments. “The Russian system for transmitting financial

Sitrep Operation Z: Cauldrons and Fatigue

.For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff Best again today, is Military Summary and worth listening to and watching.  He is ‘predicting’ a ‘riot’ in among the Ukie troops in the cauldron.  There is an update on Snake Island (Serpent Island). What does become clear is that the map is going to turn very red in large areas very soon. Yes there is a cauldron with estimated 1,500 to 2,000

The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages

By Michael Hudson and posted with the author’s permission Preface: The Federal Reserve Board’s ostensible policy aim is to manage the money supply and bank credit in a way that maintains price stability. That usually means fighting inflation, which is blamed entirely on “too much employment,” euphemized as “too much money.”[1] In Congress’s more progressive days, the Fed was charged with a second objective: to promote full employment. The problem

The Masking of the Obvious

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog An Eastern monarch, of whom we know the existence but not the name, kept an officer in his house whose employment it was to remind him of his mortality, by calling out every morning at a stated hour, “Remember prince that thou shalt die.” Indeed, the contemplation of the frailness of our present state appeared of so much importance to the famous legislator

Yellow Vest Win: The end of unions as Western leftism’s hereditary kings

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog The 51-day general strike of 2019-20 – the longest labor movement in French history – was the best of times and the worst of times, to use a Dickensian reference regarding progressive France. It was admirable that train workers thought they alone should or could bear the weight of stopping Emmanuel Macron’s self-professed neoliberal Revolution – it was pathetic that a general strike

‘Nothing Will Be As Before’

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Western Europe and North America are now in dire economic straits. Four EU leaders, from Germany, France, Italy and Romania, have just been to Kiev to plead with Zelensky to start negotiating again and make territorial concessions. The Western media did not much report on the fourth Romanian/German leader, Klaus Iohannis, and showed few photograph of him; possibly because the racists who work in

St. Petersburg sets the stage for the War of Economic Corridors

In St. Petersburg, the world’s new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum  has been configured for years now as absolutely essential to understand the evolving dynamics and the trials and tribulations of Eurasia integration. St. Petersburg in 2022 is even more crucial as

Sitrep Operation Z: 💥 Theme Kalibr Kaboom!

By Saker Staff for the Saker Blog This is about the most significant of the last two quiet days. But the silence is over. Some may remember that Military Summary said about two days ago, that there is little to report as there is very little movement on the front. Wait for it, I think we now know why. Let’s take some extracts, somewhat cleaned up, from the Russian MoD
