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Breaking Articles

A little less conversation, a little more action

by Pepe Escobar and first posted at Asia Times So Sergey Lavrov and Tony Blinken met for nearly two hours at the Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, on the sidelines of the ministerial session of the Arctic Council. Frosty? Not really. Even if the get together may not have been a throwback to a Reagan-Gorbachev funfest in the good old Cold War days. After all, there was a NATO warship

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Reykjavik, May 19, 2021 First of all, I would like to thank you for your proposal to meet here. This is important for our relations and for deciding how we should move forward, just as our presidents want us to do. I believe that it is clear to everyone why this routine meeting between Russian and US representatives held on the sidelines of the Arctic Council’s meeting has created a sensation and attracted

China Sitrep: Comments on Palestine and Gaza

China has the chair in the UNSC this month, while the catastrophe against the Palestinians and in Gaza continue.  China made a proposal for a cease fire. That was stopped by the US.  There have been further ceasefire proposals and the US has scuppered all of them.  This contains a few comments from Zhao Lijian.  He is a Chinese politician and the deputy director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign

Two Parallel Developments in Islamic History: Corrupt and Ruthless Hypocrites Rulers and an Authentic Shi’a Movement

Two Parallel Developments in Islamic History: Corrupt and Ruthless Hypocrites Rulers and an Authentic Shi’a Movement By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I contemplated at length how to frame, what to include in, and what to exclude from the final installments of the essay series that have explored the foundation of Iran’s system of governance –anchored in

A cartoon can say a thousand words

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog ‘’The trenchant case which … socialists are able to make out against the present economic order of society, demands a full consideration of all means by which the ownership of property may be made to work in a manner beneficial to that large portion of society, which at present enjoys the least share of its direct benefits. (1) I recall this old anarchist

It’s Not Fair!

A Ten-Year Old Gaza Girl Testifies about Israeli Atrocities A 14-year-old Boy Commits Suicide after Losing his Entire Family and Dad and Mom by Israeli Murders By Peter Koenig This one-minute video clip is a recording depicting a ten-year old Gaza girl, crying in desperation not knowing what to do – about the continuous destruction around her – the merciless killing and mass murder committed by the Israeli military, IDF

Gaza – US and the West Supports Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity – Understanding the Never-Ending Conflict

By Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog “I said we would exact a very heavy price from Hamas and other terror groups, and we are doing so and will continue to do so with great force,” Netanyahu said in a fiery video address. Israel’s PM Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be held accountable for war crimes throughout his PM-ship of Israel, according to the 1945 / 1946 Nuremberg trials

Brazil Sitrep: Foreign and domestic issues

By Cristian Junior for The Saker Blog At the moment, Brazil is going through a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry, in which the government of the Presidency is having its management during the pandemic investigated for alleged crimes of responsibility. As these facts are still occurring, and the minerva owl only takes off at dusk (to remember a classic Hegel idea), I would like to focus on some international and domestic

The mask of “liberal democracy” falls with a bang

By Pepe Escobar for The Saker Blog and thereafter widely distributed Nakba, May 15, 2021. Future historians will mark the day when Western “liberal democracy” issued a graphic proclamation: We bomb media offices and destroy “freedom of the press” in an open air concentration camp while we forbid peaceful demonstrations under a state of siege in the heart of Europe. And if you revolt, we cancel you. Gaza meets Paris.

Senior Military Officers’ Open Letters to Macron – Commentary & Background

by Gary Littlejohn for the Saker Blog Part 1 – Contains the first two letters Part 2 – Contains the next two letters Part 3 – Commentary – you are now here. Introduction There have been reports recently in the French media that retired senior French military officers, and a lot of younger serving officers, had written an open letter to President Macron saying in effect that unless the French

Propaganda and the Media – Deception on a Grand Scale – Part 2

By Larry Romanoff for The Saker Blog, May 16, 2021 Much of the US media attention directed to China is unrelated to news in any sense, but is part of an extensive propaganda program designed to inflict serious discomfort on China’s government, using the political pressure of the media in attempts to force China to accommodate US and European political and commercial interests. This is often done in attempts to mitigate the punishment

Transfer of Dr Radovan Karadzic to a British prison raises many questions

by Dr Eric Voegelin for the Saker Blog The Hague Tribunal announced a few days ago that the former President of the Bosnian Serb entity, the Republic of Srpska, Dr Radovan Karadzic is due to be transferred to a British prison to serve the rest of his life sentence. Dr Karadzic was charged and predictably found guilty of a number of serious violations of international law during the war in

Israel suffering huge economic losses from ongoing conflict: Report

Original link: Description: A short report by Al-Manar TV on the economic, financial and material losses suffered so far by Israel as a result of the latest fighting and confrontations with the Palestinians. Source: Al-Manar TV (website) : Date: May 14, 2021 (Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by donating a small monthly amount here: Transcript: Article:  Israeli occupation suffering great losses in “Sword of

Hamas leader: We hope Hezbollah will intervene, but situation is complex

Original link: Description: In a recent interview with RT Arabic, the former head of Hamas’ political bureau Khalid Mashal comments on whether his group is prepared to request Lebanon’s Hezbollah to enter the current battle raging between the Palestinians and Israel. Source: RT Arabic : Date: May 14, 2021 (Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by donating a small monthly amount  here: Transcript: Host: Some also wonder about

Death Rattles of the Global Arrogance and Its Appendages

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Intermittently and in between cries of discontent within Western cities, wailings of grief while burying blown-up pieces of flesh that belong to innocent adolescent school girls in Afghan cities, long sighs of exhaustion by mothers holding in their arms severely malnourished children with shrapnel-induced wound marks on their bodies in Yemeni cities, melodious roars of intifada heard for many corners in the Occupied

France: Translation of Initial Response by Other Officers April 27 2021 – Part 2

Translated by Gary Littlejohn for the Saker Blog Part 1 – Contains the first two letters Part 2 – Contains the next two letters Part 3 – Commentary Profession Gendarme Response to the call of a thousand military personnel On April 20 and 25, 2021 we published on the site “When the soldiers speak, the hour is serious” as well as “For a return of the honor of our rulers”:

Hezbollah: the Liberation of Palestine entered its last stage

Interwiew of Sayed Hashem Safi al-Din, Head of the Executive Office of Hezbollah, May 11, 2021. This interview was to be devoted exclusively to martyr Sayed Mustafa Badr al-Din “Zulfiqar”, Hezbollah commander killed in Syria on May 13, 2016, but the developments in Gaza were evoked at the beginning and end of the interview. We only translate these excerpts. Sayed Hashem Safi al-Din is a likely successor to Hassan Nasrallah.

So what if the Ottomans shaped the modern world?

Erdogan is mesmerized by Calilph Selim but, unlike Machiavelli, he doesn’t fear him; he wants to emulate him By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and first posted at the Asia Times Once upon a time in Anatolia, in the late 13th century a Turkic principality – one of many shaped in the wake of the Mongol invasion of the 1240s – consigned the Seljuk Turks to the past and emerged

Woke insanity: why is there so little pushback?!

[this column was written for the Unz Review] The Biden Administration has gone out of its way to show itself as absolutely “woke-compatible” and even as a champion of “wokeness” (Foggy Bottom has just allowed US embassies and consulates to fly the “gay pride” flag next to the Stars and Stripes. I bet you they won’t do that in Riyadh!). According to the hyper-politically correct Wikipedia, “woke” refers to the

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Guterres: press conference in Moscow

Please forward the video to time marker 1:06 This is an important press conference as Mr Guterres completely supported the concepts of International Law (instead of some rules based international order) and Multilateralism with the UN as the international body upholding the principles of the UN Charter.  This  has been the consistent message of Russia and China. Following is a short summary of the recent speeches by Mr. Lavrov and
