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Navalny Whines About Petushinsky Corrective Colony #2 (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. The rubber duckie führer’s shaved head photo appeared on his Instagram page. Navalny’s picture is accompanied by a lengthy whining wherein the penal colony in Petushinsky district near the city of Vladimir is called a ‘concentration camp’. However, if you read closely the outpourings of the mum’s revolutionaries leader’s PR team, it becomes clear that the corrective colony #2 simply has strict discipline

“The one Who Accuses is the One Who Is” – President Putin’s Response to Biden’s Calling him a “Killer”

By Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog On March 16, 2021, ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos held an exclusive interview with President Joe Biden. In the context of the United States’ chief intelligence office releasing an unclassified report on foreign meddling in the 2020 US election, concluding that Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw sweeping efforts aimed at “denigrating” President Joe Biden’s candidacy, Biden told Stephanopoulos that he had warned Putin about a

US support for the project of Greater Albania

By Ljubiša Malenica for the Saker Blog The Greater Albania project has its roots in the nineteenth century and idea of ​​the Prizren League to unite in one territorial unit all areas that were allegedly originally inhabited by Albanians. The Prizren League itself can be seen as an extension of the Ottoman authorities, since it was founded in 1878, immediately after the end of the war between Russia, Serbia and

Sino-US Dialogue in Alaska: Outcomes.

by Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The first direct, high-level dialogue, under Joe Biden Administration, was held on 18-189 March 2021 in Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, Chinese Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the dialogue. After welcoming the Chinese guests, Secretary of state Mr. Blinken accused China

Welcome to shocked and awed 21st century geopolitics

With a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the hegemon, we now have a brand new geopolitical chessboard By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times It took 18 years after Shock and Awe unleashed on Iraq for the Hegemon to be mercilessly shocked and awed by a virtually simultaneous, diplomatic Russia-China one-two. How this is a real game-changing moment cannot be emphasized enough; 21st century geopolitics

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following talks with Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi, Guilin, March 23, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to be in this wonderful place, enjoying the unique nature of this province. We really do admire these landscapes, but I can assure you that this has not prevented us from holding extremely business-like and practical talks. They were held in a traditionally friendly and trust-based manner. We pointed out once again that Russia and China continue their close and fruitful cooperation

Indian farmer’s agitation: Standing between past exploitation and future extermination

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog India is being rocked by the farmers’ movement since last week of November’2020 when farmer contingents from northern states like Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh came in hundreds of thousands to the outskirts of New Delhi, India’s capital. By December’2020 more and more farmer and farmworker groups from other states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharastra joined the agitation around Delhi. Farmers unions want

Sitrep: The Unipolar moment is over; the Multipolar moment is here.

By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog Shortly after Mr.Biden characterising Mr.Putin as a killer and more, Mr.Putin invited Biden for a public and live online  discussion, saying that it would be beneficial for both the N.American as well as the Russian people. This morning we find this bluntly devastating shot across the bows from the Russian Foreign Affairs ministry. The final sentence, not included in the image, reads as

We don’t live and learn, we just repeat

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog The boom to bust economic cycles always seem to bring out the manic behaviour of the market participants who believe that this is the chance of a lifetime to make some real cash. But it was Sir John Marks Templeton an American-born British investor, banker, fund manager, and philanthropist who was moved to comment: ‘’This time it’s different.’’ He was of course being

Captain America – The Man with Two Brains

By Larry Romanoff for the Saker Blog An earlier essay titled, “If America Dissolves . . .” formed an introduction to the series on Bernays and Propaganda. This essay functions as the epilogue. I will briefly repeat here several observations I made earlier, in order to develop a point that requires some elaboration. In the essay titled The Utopia Syndrome, I mentioned Elizabeth Anderson’s theory of what I call ‘The Propaganda Mask’, which

Sitrep: Message to the West : Go Pound Sand

by Chris Faure for The Saker Blog It is fascinating to compare the recent Biden comments to President Putin and Putin’s response, to what is happening in Alaska between the US and China. It cannot be a coincidence that the messaging from both Russia and China, is the same.  And it is clearly, deal with us on fair terms or Go Pound Sand. There is a seeming coordination of messaging. 

An Open Letter to President Putin

Dear friends: this column shows how matters stand. Support this website or darkness will arrive. Has Biden’s Description of Putin as a Killer Finally Dispelled Kremlin Hopes for Good Relations? By Paul Craig Roberts and posted with permission Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to Biden’s unacceptable characterization of Russia’s president as a killer by stating that Biden had made it clear that “he doesn’t want to normalize relations.”  In the

For Leviathan, it’s so cold in Alaska

Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi will seek to make shark’s fin soup out of Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan at the Anchorage summit By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times.   Leviathan seems to be positioning itself for a geopolitical Kill Bill rampage – yet brandishing a rusty samurai high-carbon-steel sword. Predictably, US deep state masters have not factored in that they could eventually be neutralized

Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon

By Paul Craig Roberts posted with permission Truth Is An Endangered Species:  Support It During the 20th century Cold War with the Soviet Union, there were US Soviet experts who were concerned that the Cold War was partly contrived and, therefore, needlessly dangerous. Stephen Cohn at Princeton University, for example, believed that exaggerating the threat was as dangerous as underestimating it.  On the other hand, Richard Pipes at Harvard believed

Uncle Shmuel is truly brain dead… (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

[this commentary was written for the Unz Review] By now, you have all heard it. Here is the official transcript: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we

Brazil’s Lula in a wilderness of mirrors

Still in the legal woods and not daring to project as a revolutionary leader, Lula should nonetheless never be underestimated By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times A surprising Supreme Court decision that, while not definitive, restores Lula’s political rights has hit Brazil like a semiotic bomb and plunged the nation into a reality show being played in a wilderness of shattered mirrors. At first, it

Pandemics and Ideologies

By Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog A man’s life’s no more than to say ‘one’ – Hamlet tells his friend Horatio. And Voltaire has a character from one of his novels declare, “… We in a manner begin to die the very moment we are born: our existence is no more than a point, our duration an instant, and our globe an atom… I consider myself as a single

Trade-Off looming on Syria and Yemen:

By Ghassan Kadi for the Saker Blog In the past few weeks much has happened in the area of diplomacy on the part of Russia. Russia is forging ahead after stepping up its presence in the Middle East in the past decade, taking a strong pro-active political role. Moscow during this period has been intent on consolidating its efforts in re-establishing itself as the key player in any political settlements

Lula’s lessons for Iran before Brazil’s populist showdown begins

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV Remember in 2010 when Brazil had “arrived”? That was Lula. Back then the United States and Europe were financially imploding but Brazil – with a strong real, fresh off the very first BRIC summit in 2009, and with the economic redistribution polices championed by Lula – was looking like a permanent and necessary geopolitical power. Their tourists were trotting the globe while Westerners
