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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Roger Waters’ open letter to “Ze”‘s wife

“Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?” An Open letter to Mrs. Olena Zelenska from Roger Waters Sunday 4th September 2022 Dear Mrs. Zelenska, My heart bleeds for you and all the Ukrainian and Russian families, devastated by the terrible war in Ukraine. I’m in Kansas City, USA. I have just read a piece on apparently taken from an

Open reply of the Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice to the slander of the founder of BellingCat about the investigation and activities of the Foundation

by Mira Terada for the Saker blog Eliot Higgins, the leader of the BellingCat organization, an information dump overseen by Western intelligence agencies and known for its incompetent provocations against Russia, Russian citizens and organizations, spoke quite ambiguously about the materials of the July investigation of the Foundation to Battle Injustice. This investigation was devoted to the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” and the involvement of the BellingCat. Higgins, in a

Faina Savenkova about the Ukronazi website “peacemaker

Yesterday, a press conference was held in Moscow by Mira Terada’s Foundation to Battle Injustice, attended by Western journalists working in the Donbass. The details of these journalists, like mine, are listed on the website (ukr. Peacemaker). I know many of them and they, like me, are in danger. Because they tell the truth about what is happening in our country. When a year ago my data became public

Putin’s speech at the Eastern Economic Forum

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, Mr Min Aung Hlaing, Mr Pashinyan, Mr Oyun-Erdene, Mr Li Zhanshu, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to greet all participants and guests of the Eastern Economic Forum. Russia and Vladivostok are again hosting a forum of business leaders, experts, politicians, public figures and members of government from dozens of countries across the world. As per tradition, the programme of the Eastern Economic Forum

Faina Savenkova: It is impossible for such a site to exist

by Faina Savenkova for the Saker blog It is impossible for such a site to exist, and its owners are not responsible for their actions. Journalist Daria Dugina was killed in Russia on Saturday night. I would hardly have known who she was if my friends hadn’t told me that she and her father, Alexander Dugin, were included on the Mirotvorets website, and everyone knew their details. Of course, you

Welcoming speech of the Russian Minister of Defence at the opening of 10th Moscow Conference on International Security

The opening of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security took place at Avangard Centre for Military and Patriotic Education of Youth within the framework of ARMY 2022 IMTF. The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, addressed the participants of the event: Ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. This conference comes at a

Putin’s Address to participants and guests of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security

source: President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Ladies and gentlemen, Esteemed foreign guests, Let me welcome you to the anniversary 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. Over the past decade, your representative forum has become a significant venue for discussing the most pressing military-political problems. Today, such an open discussion is particularly pertinent. The situation in the world is changing dynamically and the outlines of a multipolar world order are taking shape. An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity,
