
Your tax dollars hard at work: the ‘gay bomb’

No, this is not a joke and its not April 1st. Read this piece from the BBC or this entry to the Wikipedia: the Pentagon was really funding research into creating a “gay bomb”, which would make enemy soldiers “sexually irresistible” to each other. The BBC reports that: The plan for a so-called “love bomb” envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the

Only in Amerika…

ADL Urges Orthodox Christian Churches To Excise Anti-Semitism From Liturgy New York, NY, June 6, 2007 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is urging the world’s Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy. ADL cited a declaration by an independent group of Orthodox Christian priests and intellectuals who are calling for their churches to reject centuries-old negative theological positions toward Jews and

Neocon “crazies” endorse tactical nuclear strikes against Iran

Here is an excerpt from the latest Republican Presidential debate: ——-BLITZER: If it came down to a preemptive U.S. strike against Iran’s nuclear facility if necessary, would you authorize as president the use of tactical nuclear weapons? HUNTER: I would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons if there was no other way to preempt those particular centrifuges. When the Osirak reactor was hit in ’86, when the six F-18s

CIA running black propaganda operation against Iran, Syria and Lebanon, officials say

RAW STORY EXCLUSIVE REPORT: by Larisa Alexandrovna Published: Monday June 4, 2007 Some intelligence sources more wary of covert Pentagon operations The Central Intelligence Agency has received approval at least twice in the last several years to conduct an “information war” against several countries in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon and Syria, according to current and former intelligence officials. In addition, the Bush Administration has been running operations out

The only thing which can prevent a Fascist President in 2008

As I have written in a previous post, the “election” of an openly Fascist President in 2008 is almost certain. The USA already has an Imperial Presidency (the politically correct term for which is “unitary executive”) and this trend will only get worse no matter which Neocon puppet gets elected in 2008. Only two candidate – Ron Paul and Mike Gravel – are real democrats (small “d”), and neither of

Keep Ron Paul in!!

“Keep Ron Paul in!” is the initiative of conservative bigwig Richard A. Viguerie who created a special website with a petition to demand that Ron Paul not be excluded from the Presidential debates. While this initiative originates from conservatives, the petition itself has options for being a concervative, liberal, moderate, libertarian or “other” and for various motives – including keeping a real, pluralistic, debate to sign the petition. Thus, this
