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Tag "alternative media"

Surviving in a world of zombies: using podcast clients

This is the third article in my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” – you can get part one here and part two here.  Today, I am going to touch upon yet another immensely useful computer based tool: a podcast client. First, let me remind you what a podcast is.  A podcast is some kind of video or audio recording, often of a show, which is made available for

Using a news aggregator – conclusion: OPML file ready!

Dear friends, This is the promised follow-up to my recent piece “Surviving in a world of zombies: using news aggregators”. With the help of quite a few of you (thanks a lot to you all!!) and by continuing my never ending search for more alternative information sources I have compiled what I think is a decent list of alternative and/or quality information sources. As I mentioned it in my previous

Surviving in a world of zombies: using news aggregators

Not too long ago a wrote a short piece entitled “Take revenge on the bastards now!” in which I recommended a total boycott of the Zionist corporate media. I also provided the URLs of some websites which provide streams of alternative TV and radio stations. If all you have is 10-15 mins a day, listening to Russia Today, Press TV, Telesur or al-Jazeera is not the worst option. Listening to

Memento: where to get your info about the Middle-East

Al-Jazeera: TV (using Mplayer): mplayer mms:// Today: Question to all: can somebody help me to define the actual video stream on I would like to pipe it directly into mplayer like I do with the Press TV stream. Thanks!

Take revenge on these bastards now!

Today, 1,000 Signatures from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) were submitted to Congress citing new scientific evidence of explosive demolition at WTC. This global event included special press conferences conducted in over 23 cities worldwide with the press conference in San Francisco broadcast worldwide over the Internet. Now take a look at the sickening bullshit the corporate media was broadcasting to the American public. Please, do watch it:
