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Tag "amarynth"

About Telegram

Quickie news by Amarynth We all started using Telegram when the Russian voice was completely blocked, just after the Ukraine SMO started.  I remember very clearly a 2 week period when I could not find anything, and I live in a country where they did not sanction Russian news.  We’ve known that Telegram is under extreme pressure.  This from Maria Zakharova. 💬 #Opinion by Maria #Zakharova: News about Berlin’s ongoing

Sitrep: Cuba

Staff Reporter The US is manufacturing consent to coup Cuba.  The language used is a clear give-away.  After all these years, now suddenly the ‘Cubans want their Freedom! and of course, the US can give it to them, is the sub-text. On 23 June 2021, the UN General Assembly voted for the 29th year in a row, in favor of a resolution to demand the end of the US economic

COVID-19 – What people say, and only 5 realities

by Amarynth, drawing together a braintrust from The Movable Feast Cafe We set up a ‘brain trust’ in the Cafe in order to write a combined sitrep for The Saker Blog about the Coronavirus. The new name in the taxonomy is COVID-19 but let’s stick to Novel Coronavirus for now. It is of course too early to come to any conclusions, but we can start isolating the discernible high level
