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Tag "anti-Zionist Zionists"

Gilad Atzmon: By Way Of Deception

Examining Alan Dershowitz’s and Abe Foxman’s arguments against The Wandering Who Earlier this week I learned from the Jerusalem post how desperate notorious Zionists Alan Dershowitz and ADL’s Abe Foxman are to stop my new book ‘The Wandering Who’.  It seems that Foxman, Dershowitz and their allies amongst the Jewish ‘anti’-Zionists (aka ‘anti-Zionist Zionists’ or AZZ) are in a state of total hysteria. So far, the book has been endorsed

The long arm of Israel

by Gilad Atzmon We have learned in the last few days that some Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist elements are planning to interfere with Zero Books’ The Wandering Who book launch this Monday. Your support for the book and also for the freedom of speech is most welcome. Book Launch: A Panel Discussion on ‘Jewish Identity Politics’ Monday, 10th October, 2011, 7:00 pm Resource for London 356 Holloway Road London N7 6PA
