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Tag "Baaz weekly SITREP"

World SITREP November 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia and its Allies China Joins Russia in Syria Shaping New Anti Terrorist Alliance   Serbia: Russian and Belarusian Airborne units arrive for ‘Slavic Brotherhood’ drills   Vladimir Putin’s Videoconference With Expedition In Antarctica Nov 4, 2016 President Vladimir Putin spoke via video linkup with members of the Leaders Club expedition currently in Antarctica. Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, November 3, 2016. Click on CC button for English subtitles.     [Scott]

World SITREP October 23rd, 2016, by Baaz

Russia This Ain’t Grandpa’s Soviet Jeep: New UAZ Patriot Competes With Luxury SUVs The Russian anti-terrorist operation in Syria is about to get more ‘patriotic’. On Friday, the Defense Ministry confirmed that it has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot pickups equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to the war-torn country. The vehicles are likely to be assigned to protect humanitarian convoys. Russia: Four-year-old

World SITREP June 11th, 2016 Updated by Baaz

The U.S. Stephen Kinzer: Is U.S. Foreign Policy the Most Destabilizing Force in the World Today? Stephen Kinzer discusses U.S. foreign policy and interventionism and whether it is the most destabilizing force in the world today. He discusses which US election candidate would be worst in terms of increasing war tensions and also covers the legacy of Muhammad Ali’s anti-war posture and “American exceptionalism” which is a key factor in

The World SITREP May 28th, 2016 by Baaz

The World SITREP May 28th, 2016 by Baaz Russia Putin arrives at Mount Athos to mark 1,000 years of Russian presence May 28, 2016 – Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Protaton Church in Karyes, on Mount Athos, Saturday. He thanked the community for welcoming him warmly and praised the acts that are conducted on the peninsula that is home to 20 monasteries. Greek Orthodox priest (Greek): “Today we are

World SITREP April 22, 2016 by Baaz

Russian Combat Engineers Completely Demine Historical Part of Palmyra Video of Palmira report to President Putin 5,000 Militants Entered Aleppo, Idlib from Turkey Huge battle underway for ISIS turf in eastern Syria – Map update 100 Years of Syrian Beauty   Israel wants to replace Turkey in trade with Russia We Can’t Save the Economy Unless We Fix Our Debt Addiction by MICHAEL HUDSON Serbia: You must choose the Russian

News in Brief April 11th, 2016 by Baaz

“CrossTalk” Bullhorns Incorruptible The Panama Papers – the huge story that isn’t – a truly pathetic day for Western corporate media. The Dutch voted against the EU’s association agreement with Ukraine. But no worries, Brussels is already looking to overturn this democratic outcome. Also, why is the Syrian ceasefire failing AND is Obama really a realist? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Stephen Ebert, and Patrick Henningsen. ‘Let’s be honest, NASA isn’t
