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Tag "Baaz weekly Ukraine SITREP"

SITREP For 31st May By Baaz

Is Novorossiya Dead? (Source) DNR foreign minister Alexander Kofman has confirmed that the Novorossiya “project” has been indefinitely suspended. Is this the end of an independent Donbass? Ukrainian troops deploy 1,000 artillery units in Donbass – DPR defence ministry (Source) The DPR’s Defense Ministry emphasized that the re-deployment of military hardware and Ukrainian army personnel to the disengagement line is evidence that Ukraine is building up its offensive group S-300 spotted near

Ukraine SITREP for 24th May 2015 By Baaz

US vs Russia , The Ukraine ,Russia ‘s Near Abroad and US’s Fake Far Abroad plus The EU,Friends and Foes US Blinks in Face-Off with Russia ( Source) After staring Russia in the face for the best part of a year, the poker-faced Americans finally realised they are holding a bunch of worthless cards. And the Americans blinked. Diplomatic Victory, and Affirmation, for Putin (From New York Times of all

Ukraine weekly SITREP by Baaz, Sunday May 3rd

New Developments Graham Phillips’ Personal Account of the Grim Day Odessans Burned (Source) A freelancer recalls the horrible day when pro-Kiev fanatics set upon and mercilessly killed peaceful anti-Maidan demonstrators Ukrainian neo-nazis will celebrate May 2, the day of Odessa massacre, as “Victory Day( source) May 2, 2014 was a historic day for Odessa. Odessans bravely repulsed Kremlin gangs and their local leaders, thus protecting the city from the arrival of
