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Tag "Batman"

About the murder of Batman

Dear friends, I want to remind you all that WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THE FACTS!! (sorry for the “screaming” CAPS).  I will be the first to admit to this about myself.  Colonel Cassad is doing some stellar reporting about this on his blog, and he also is very very cautious (I don’t share Cassad’s political views, but I have learned to admire his intellectual honesty and his excellent reporting).

Batman’s murder in Luganks is very bad news for Lugansk

I deliberately waited a few days before addressing the issue of the murder of “Batman” (Alexander Bednov) in the Lugansk People’s Republic but I am getting too many questions to remain silent any longer.  So first, let’s look at the fact Batman What is more or less established: Batman had been traveling in an armored car for a while now because he feared for his life.  Near the city of
