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Tag "beirut"

Battleground Beirut: Western colony or back to the East?

By Pepe Escobar – republished from Asia Times by permission of author As much as Covid-19 has been instrumentalized by the 0.001% to social engineer a Great Reset, the Beirut tragedy is already being instrumentalized by the usual suspects to keep Lebanon enslaved. Facing oh so timely color revolution-style “protests”, the current Lebanese government led by Prime Minister Diab has already resigned. Even before the port tragedy, Beirut had requested

Extremely strong words by Hassan Nasrallah at the “Prophet Loyalty Rally “

These are uncharacteristically strong words form the Hezbollah leader and I wonder if that is not also a way of preparing the Middle-East for a US attack on Iran. In the meantime, one of the most pathetic US puppets in Lebanon, Amin Gemayel, actually took the risk of condemning Hassan Nasrallah and, once again, that just makes me marvel at systematic way the Lebanese Phalangists always end up on the

Army reverses anti-Hezbollah decisions

Press TV reports: The Lebanese Army Commander has rescinded anti-opposition decisions made by the government which led to escalation of tensions in Lebanon. According to a Press TV correspondent in Beirut General Michel Suleiman reinstalled Airport General Wafiq Shuqair on Saturday. The army Chief has also lifted a government-ordered ban on Hezbollah’s telecommunications network. “As for the telecommunications network, the army will look into the issue in a manner that

Fresh clashes reported in Beirut

(original photos contributed to this blog by Abdul Latif Fawaz from Beirut) Press TV reports: Fresh clashes have reportedly erupted between supporters of rival political camps in Lebanon after a brief lull on Friday evening. Fierce armed clashes broke out between supporters of the Lebanese government and the opposition in the neighborhoods of al-Jadida, Kornish al-Mazra and Cola Bridge. Gunmen also attacked the residence of Omar Karami, the former Lebanese
