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Tag "Black Sea Fleet"

Russia-Ukraine: breaking news

(Thanks to C. for pointing these out to me – VS) Ukraine will receive a discount of $100 per 1,000 cu m at the natural gas price of $330 and a 30% discount on other prices, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday. Medvedev’s announcement came after a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovych in Kharkov in eastern Ukraine. “Discounts for Ukraine will come into effect from April this

Clashes in Crimea

According to, Ukrainian nationalists have organized a congress in the center of the city of Sevastopol in Crimea. About 1000 local residents demonstrated under the slogan “Fascism will not pass”. Clashes ensued. About 300 demonstrators were able to break through the police barriers and were then violently engaged by police special forces. A number of arrests were made.——-Commentary: there we go, exactly as I predicted. The Ukrainian nationalists are

The Black Sea Fleet flagship Moskva enters to port of Sukhum

For a better look at the Moskva guided missile cruiser, click on the picture below. I would note that while the Mosvka’s primary mission might be to monitor the movement of NATO vessels in the Black Sea (which be conducted from the Sukhum port mainly by electronic means), the Moskva also provides advanced anti-air capabilities to Abkhazia as it is equipped with long range anti air radars and missiles.

Inside the Battle for the Black Sea

By Noah Shachtman for Wired MagazineThis is the second post from naval blogger Galrahn. Go check out his site, Information Dissemination, when you’re done here. While most of the world has focused primarily on the ground conflict in Georgia, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has been active off the coast. By now, you may have heard some isolated reports — 4000 troops landed by sea at Ochamchire, a battle resulting

Russian Navy ships approach Georgia’s sea border

RIA Novosti reports: A group of ships from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet including the flagship Moskva guided missile cruiser (click on photo for a better view) arrived on Sunday in the eastern part of the sea near the Georgian border, a high-ranking navy official said. “The purpose of the Black Sea Fleet vessels’ presence in this region is to provide aid to refugees,” the source in the Russian Navy’s headquarters
