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Tag "Bosnia v5 Chechnia v4 Kosovo v3 Libya v2 Syria v1"

Syria claims sarin seizure at rebel hideout as Russia ‘blocks’ UN’s Qusair resolution

RT reports: Forces of Syrian President Bashar al Assad are seen on a tank in Arjoun village near Qusair town May 30, 2013. The Syrian Army has seized two containers with poisonous sarin agent in a rebel hideout, SANA said citing sources. Meanwhile, Russia reportedly blocked the UNSC resolution set to slam Damascus’ offensive on the town of Qusair held by opposition forces. Syrian Arab News Agency reports that sarin, together

Rapid acceleration of events in the US/NATO war on Syria: comparing threats

Following the Moscow meeting between Lavrov and Kerry and the announcement of an international conference on Syria it was to be expected that all parties would scramble to be in the strongest possible position to bargain.  Indeed, this is exactly what happened:1) The Syrian government launched a successful assault on the strategic town of al Qusayr.2) The US Senate passed a resolution allowing the arming of the anti-Syrian opposition.3) Hezbollah

Bosnian deja vu

A strategic town is about to be taken by “the bad guys”.  The town is full of civilians.  An “impending massacre” needs to be stopped.  Does that ring a bell?  Is that Bosnia in 1995?  Nope.  This is Syria in 2013.Please read this article by the BBC.Here are the key quotes from it with my comments in blue: Following a day of heavy bombardment by aircraft and artillery, the army

A small but victorious skirmish in a much larger battle of a even bigger war – but a victory nonetheless.

It is impossible to predict what will happen following the recent meetings between US Secretary of State Kerry and President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov in Moscow.  After all, all which can come out of such a meeting are only words.  Still, words matter, and in the case of the highest level officials of the two major powers on the planet, they matter a lot.  And a lot of very

Syrian government statement in response to Israeli the airstrikes

The Syrian Information Minister, Omran al-Zoabi, reads a statement by the Council of Ministers (the Syrian Cabinet), in which he directly links Israel to the Takfiri Islamist mercenaries fighting in Syria to topple the Syrian government.I think that this is a very good reaction: its make the US/NATO and Israelis pay the maximal political price for that aggression by using the Israeli attack as a proof that the Zionists and

The recent “surge in atrocities” really means that NATO puppets are losing the in Syria

Russian military analysis have been saying that Assad is gradually winning this war for a while already.  Then, Robert Fisk pretty much confirmed this theory.  Today, it is the Israeli Jerusalem Post which, with its usual hatred for everything Syrian, reluctantly admits that, well, if Assad is not winning, he sure ain’t losing either.  Check out the article by Jonathan Spyer entitled “Is Assad winning in Syria?” which gives some

Two great articles by Robert Fisk reporting from Syria (both “MUST READs”)

Robert Fisk Finally some honest reporting from inside Syria!  Two articles by Robert Fisk which I highly recommend to everybody: The Syrian Army Believes They Are Winning Syria and Sarin Gas: US Claims Have a Very Familiar Ring I have my points of strong disagreement with Robert Fisk, in particular about Hezbollah and the Hariri family, but at least I respect him for his courage (physical and intellectual) and his

The Fueling of Unrest in Syria, Israel’s Territorial Ambitions

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich  for Global ResearchFor some time now, the predominant narrative about Syria has been that the unrest has been fueled in order to weaken Iran. This prevalent account is common to neoconservatives and liberals alike. While The New York Times trumpeted Israeli-firsters Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham message that “rebel fighters deserved to be armed and that helping them take on the Syrian government would aid Washington’s

Is there really no limit to how idiotic the anti-Assad propaganda can get?!

Over the past few days I tried really hard to ignore the propaganda about the use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces?  Why?  Frankly, I am very busy these days, and that entire story is so self evidently ridiculous that I naively hoped that somehow at least the governments in the US and UK would not feel like they have to pretend like this is anything but the usual

Why the civilized world has a moral obligation to help Syria to defeat the US/NATO/al-Qaeda coalition

Yesterday, in the comments section of my post Assad and the Syrian Army are fighting for all of us, Uprooted Palestinian reminded me that he had predicted that what I had called the “US subversion model: Bosnia v.4, Kosovo v.3, Libya v.2 and now Syria v.1” would not work in Syria (FYI: the preceding sentence contains five links, not one long one).  He was right.  Something really different happened, and

“The Syrian Diary” – Russian TV documentary (subtitled)

Why I believe that this is a “must watch” documentary: This is a documentary by Anastasia Popova, a correspondent for the Russian TV station “Rossia 24”.  Don’t expect any kind of sympathy for the FSA from these reporters who are 100% behind the Syrian Army and who are absolutely outraged at what they strongly believe is the rape of a nation by a coalition of international terrorists and NATO special

UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi: Only two ways for Syria – political process or hell

UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi put it simply: there are only two ways for Syria – a political process or hell.  In other words, he agreed with the Russian position. As for the opposition, it immediately declared that a non-negotiable precondition for any negotiations must be the departure of Assad (making any thinking person wonder what there would be left to negotiate at this point). So we have the following

The West ‘prays’ Russia and China will continue blocking Syria action

RT reports:The West has “no appetite” for a military intervention in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday. At the same time, Moscow’s intelligence shows the Arab country’s chemical arsenal is “so far” secured, he revealed.“No one has any appetite for intervention. Behind the scenes, I have a feeling they are praying that Russia and China go on blocking intervention, as sanctioning it would mean they must act

Is Russia throwing in the towel for Assad?

The short answer is “no!”.  However,There are clear signs of two things happening:a)  Russian politicians and decision makers have different views about the situation in Syria.  Some think that Assad will lose, while others think that government forces have inflicted serious losses on the insurgency. Keep in mind: differences in opinion between experts do NOT AT ALL mean a change in policies.  Russia’s policy towards Syria is one based on

Russian warships set sail to Mediterranean amid possible Syria evacuation

RT reports: The Russian Navy has sent five ships to the Mediterranean Sea to replace the region’s existing fleet. The move comes after the foreign ministry said it may call for the evacuation of Russian citizens in Syria if the government in Damascus falls. ­Three warships and two support ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet are set to join the Russian naval forces in the Mediterranean. Frigate Yaroslav Mudri The

Bosnia v5, Chechnia v4, Kosovo v3, Libya v2, Syria v1

This could have been footage made in Bosnia, Chechnia, Kosovo or Libya, but it happens to have been made in Syria.  Same faces, same crazed expression, same murderous determination – this is the face of US-sponsored Wahabi Islam and this is what the so-called “friends of Syria” are trying to put into power in Damascus.Frankly, and in a very naive way, when I listen to these lunatics I have visions
