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Tag "Bush"

Should Armenian Allies Bomb the United States?

Washington’s Holocaust Deniers By Brendan Cooney In light of President Bush’s opposition to a resolution that would acknowledge the Armenian genocide, the question must be considered as to whether he is a madman who cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. Should Armenian allies adopt a preemptive approach and bomb strategic North American sites? U.S. press reports of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denying the Nazi genocide have been a flashpoint of

How George Bush Became The New Saddam

Its strategies shattered, a desperate Washington is reaching out to the late dictator’s henchmen. By Patrick Graham It was embarrassing putting my flak jacket on backwards and sideways, but in the darkness of the Baghdad airport car park I couldn’t see anything. “Peterik, put the flak jacket on,” the South African security contractor was saying politely, impatiently. “You know the procedure if we are attacked.” I didn’t. He explained. One

Bush, Iran and Israel’s hidden hand

By Kathleen and Bill Christison* Former CIA analysts Kathleen and Bill Christison argue that a US and/or Israeli attack on Iran to bring about regime change and strengthen US and Israeli dominion over the Middle East is likely to take place before the Bush administration leaves office unless a concerted effort is made to impeach Bush and Cheney. The internet is loaded these days with reports of the inevitability of

Bush Warns Puppets Not to Praise Iran

By GARY LEUPP Hamid Karzai, hand-picked by Washington to pose as president of the broken country of Afghanistan, says his government has “very, very good, very, very close relations [and] will continue to have good relations with Iran.” He declares on CNN, “So far, Iran has been a helper” in fighting terrorism. Nuri al-Maliki, favored by Washington as the most viable prime minister to pretend to lead the bleeding country

Bush to send Rice, Gates to Middle East in August

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President George W. Bush said on Thursday he will send Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Middle East in August. “They will meet with our allies, reemphasize our commitment to the international compact of Sharm el-Sheikh, reassure our friends that the Middle East remains a vital strategic priority for the United States,” the president said. Bush was speaking at a

Some Israelis are getting fed-up with Bush and his Neocon policies

With friends like these…By Akiva Eldar for Ha’aretz Heavy clouds will float over today’s summit in sunny Sharm el-Sheikh. The Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, Jordan and Egypt will be hovering above the four leaders participating in the talks, as will the zealots of worldwide jihad. Iran and Hezbollah will be with them on the other side, while the extreme right-wing national religious camp awaits in the corner. It is hard

Daddy – what’s a ‘neocon’?! Ethnic mafia wars is the USA

[Amy Goodman interviews Andrew Cockburn on DemocracyNow! (] Here is a most revealing exchange which occurred at the end of the interview: ——-AMY GOODMAN: In 2006, you write that George W. Bush said to his father, “What’s a neocon?” ANDREW COCKBURN: That’s right. One of the rare moments of sort of communication between the two. Bush said to — they were out at Kennebunkport, and Bush Jr. says, “Can I
