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Threats from the House of Saud: real or hot air?

Last week, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz al Saud, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Britain and a member of the House of Saud, wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times entitled “Saudi Arabia Will Go It Alone“.  Besides the usual ideological propaganda statements and a predictable litany of Saudi complaints about the West not doing enough, the piece contains a definite though vague threat: The foreign policy

Adm. Fallon Presses Case Against Iran

Bahrain (AP) — The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East is pressing Arab allies to form a more united front against Iran, seen by Washington as the region’s long-term threat. At military compounds and royal reception halls across the Persian Gulf, Adm. William Fallon is delivering personal appeals to Arab leaders to counter Iran’s ambitions to expand its regional influence and move ahead with its nuclear program. Fallon

Iran Slams Kouchner comments and reiterates threat to US forces

TEHRAN — Iranian media launched a blistering attack on France Monday after its foreign minister warned the world to brace for war. Kouchner said Sunday his country must prepare for the possibility of war against Iran over its nuclear program. The French minister also told RTL radio and LCI television that the world’s major powers should use further sanctions against Iran. Kouchner said France had asked French firms not to

Superior Derided Petraeus as Suck-Up, Opposed the Surge

by Gareth Porter In sharp contrast to the lionization of Gen. David Petraeus by members of the US Congress during his testimony this week, Petraeus’ superior, Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM), derided Petraeus as a sycophant during their first meeting in Baghdad last March, according to Pentagon sources familiar with reports of the meeting. Fallon told Petraeus that he considered him to be “an ass-kissing little

Is the countdown to the attack against Iran resuming?

According to the following sources, CENTCOM is stepping up its posture for a possible attack against Iran: Bush authorizes new covert action against Iran while nine US warships enter the Persian Gulf in show of force constituting largest naval force in the Middle-East since 2003. An attack againt a country like Iran would have to go through several preparatory phases which, among others, would include the preparations outlined by the

Have the crazies finally been sent back the the basement?

On January 26th of this year I sent out a rather alarmist email to my friends mentioning the very real risk of a US aggression against Iran. Among other things, I wrote “ Unless the current campaign of leaks from various US officials to the independent media is successful and the public outrage tips the balance (which is still quite possible – as the anti-war rally in Washington, DC planned
