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Tag "Charles Bausman"

Charles Bausman’s courageous stance against a US propagandist

Foreword by The Saker: I wanted to share with you a remarkable moment on Russian TV.  During the talkshow Special Correspondent Charles Bausman, Editor and Publisher of Russia Insider, had the courage to contradict a fellow American journalist, Michael Bohm, and denounce the propaganda the latter was spewing. Bohm, who is fluent in Russian, is known all over Russia the THE mouthpiece of US propaganda.  Every time a Russian talkshow

Charles Bausman at the World Russia Forum in DC mentions the Saker blog + corrected stats

NOTE: Just a few corrected stats: There are seven independent Saker blogs in total (original, Russian, French, German, Latin American, Oceania, Italian) in five languages (English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish).  It is hard to estimate how many people actually work on these blogs in total, but I would say that roughly 100 active members sounds right to me.  I am also trying to get some reliable figures the number of

ANNOUNCEMENT: Russian News Site to Pay Expenses of Foreign Journalists, Bloggers, to Visit Donbass

by Charles Bausman I’m writing to let people know of an interesting opportunity. A private Russian citizens’ initiative whose goal is to provide information about the Ukraine war not covered in the western media, is organizing a press tour to the Donbass and Moscow in the second half of March. The invitation is open to all journalists and bloggers, mainstream and alternative. They are offering to cover all expenses in
