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Tag "Community Cooperative – Books"

Scott’s new book announcement Chaos and Fractals: an American mystery novel

  by Scott Humor   I present you with my new book. It is a mystery novel with no geo-politics, so it’s “safe” to recommend to your friends and family. The timing is especially significant, as it is a month before Christmas when we know people get stuck with seasonal depression. Mysteries are considered to be one of the best remedies for the holiday blues. P. J. James, a well

Book POKÉMON IN UKRAINE: Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL available for free

On the morning of September 17, 2018, Russia’s Ministry of Defense revealed new findings in the crash of the MH-17 flight investigation. New evidences presented by the military prove that the missile that according to the international Joint Investigation Team (JIT) brought down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 contained Ukrainian serial numbers. These new revelations implicate in the MH17 international scandal the post-Maidan Kiev authority that came to power as a
