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Tag "Dagmar Henn"

Looking at the fever chart

by Dagmar Henn What is the state of this republic? In former times, the German left observed every development critically; listening to them you could feel the country’s pulse and had a distinct view on bourgeois democracy. Meanwhile they seem to have lost that ability and are satisfied, as long as their headlined sound nice. Sometimes you need to abstract from the mere content and scrutinize the form of an

The Dark Side: “We should never be like them”

by Dagmar Henn (Thanks to Anja and Riema for their help with the translation!) This is a long text, and I don’t know how many readers are really willing to get involved. This is not about geopolitical considerations or rendering diagnoses. I have tried to grasp the inner nucleus of the struggle and to turn it transparent on the level of ethics and morality, to explain why I (as an

A place in between

Note: following Desecrated Shrines, this is the second eyewitness report about daily life in Novorussia sent to my by the Saker Community representative in Novorussia, Dagmar Henn, Team Leader German Saker Blog who has found the time to write this text while reorganizing the German blog. The Saker A place in between by Dagmar Henn It´s a cold, but sunny morning when we start for Oktiaborskii, another one of the

Desacrated shrines

Note: this is the first article sent to my by the Saker Community representative in Novorussia, Dagmar Henn, from the German Saker Blog.  Dagmar has had a tough trip, with very little opportunity to write and only sporadic and slow Internet connections (this is, after all, a war zone).  I hope that this will be a first of a series of eyewitness reports by Dagmar about the reality of life

Is Russia the ideal enemy for western capitalists?

by Dagmar Henn ‘Taint evry day we have a war, I got to get stirring‘ Most people look at geopolitical interests and at the military-industrial complex, when they think about the economy of war. This might be right for the small ones, but it underestimates the impact of the big ones. Whole industrial empires rose from the profits of war, and not necessary in the areas of weapons production. The
