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Tag "denazification"

If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a damned duck

Video’s title in Russian: “Lviv region solemnly reburies the remains of soldiers of  SS-Division “Galicia.” This vid link is the tip of the iceberg, youtube is full of similar videos and the internet is full of charming photos of the beloved orcs with lovely tattoos and giving The World the stiff arm salute whilst waving their silly little flags with the crooked cross. So much for our charming ‘partners’ in

How to denazify the Nazis?

by Rostisalv Ishchenko Source: Как нам обустроить нацистов? Translated by S   I hope that at present those, who thought that Ukrainian civil war would continue for years and even for decades, clearly see that the Kiev regime and the government of Ukraine will fall within several months, at the worst – in about a year. The war goes on, because the Kiev leadership, using habitual submissive inertia of the
