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Tag "dissent"

Dissenting voices and delayed wars

Something very interesting is happening in the USA: two candidates for the next Presidential election (Ron Paul, R, and Mike Gravel, D) are running on an anti-war platfrom and they are speaking up in each debate (so far – soon they will be given the boot). They stand no chance whatsoever under the current political system. Just take a look the Washington Post’s truly orwellian editorial complaining that “Too many

The value of the lone dissenter

Originally, this was posted on Scott Horton’s blog For all its intrinsic merits – and God know they are numerous – it is unclear how big an audience Scott’s show reaches and, even more importantly, how much of an impact it has on anyone. Surely in a country which re-elected, scratch this, which elected Bush the Lesser in the midst of two lost wars any voice for reason and decency
