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Tag "Donetsk"

Sitrep: Donetsk, Lugansk, Situation at line of engagement

Reports are pouring in of provocations.  These are routinely reported to various monitoring organizations relatively without fanfare, but the Russian press (in English) is carrying this widely. Peskov:  “We can see that provocations are taking place. We have seen reports from the self-proclaimed republics about an exchange of strikes on the line of contact and the first strikes came from Ukraine. This is very alarming information,” Donetsk, February 17. /TASS/: 

LPR exhumes over 90 victims of Ukraine in Pervomaisk

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog On August 11th, 2021, Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) embarked on a historic endeavor that will become national benchmarks in their existence. Both countries began opening mass graves on their territories created by non-stop shelling and mortar attacks against their cities and people. They proposed to locate the victims and identify them through genetic testing. Samples could then be

How the Kiev regime’s war on Donbass broke geopolitics by Scott Humor

The liberal think tank Stratfor has stated what we already knew: “Kiev could have incited the violence to draw attention to the conflict and rally international support for continued sanctions on Moscow.“ And that’s where the Kiev regime finds no understanding among the European national businesses. On the supra-national level everything is business-as-usual: In January in Ukraine, senators McCain and Graham visited front line troops and spent the night with them

A few images of the Motorola’s murder scene, by Scott

  Motorola’s home address was published online in spring 2015   Published on Apr 2, 2015 Donetsk street address of Motorola was revealed by a Donetsk blogger veselchak_jk. He found a car that Motorola gave to his wife as a birthday present.   In 2014, someone made a video while visiting him at his apartment.   There are some details to keep in mind in regard to this murder: It’s

World SITREP September 10, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Putin knew what to do! His first interview, 2000 On New Year’s Eve, 1999, Putin succeeded the Russian Presidency from Boris Yeltsin. This is his first interview inside the Kremlin…. Retrospectively – He acted confidently, within that which he foresaw..     The New START:  extension impossible By  Vladimir Kozin Advisory Group to the Director, chief advisor, head of advisory group to RISS director, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of

Interesting interview of Alexander Borodai, the Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic

Tonight the Russian TV showed a rather interesting live interview of Alexander Borodai, the Prime Minister of the self-declared “Donetsk People’s Republic”.  Alexander Borodai interviewed while protected by his anti-sniper team Here is a summary of his statements: There are no combats inside Donetsk proper. The DPR forces fully control all of the city. The Right Sector fully controls the airport. The junta’s air force make regular overflights of the

Full text of the appeal of the commander of the militia of Donetsk People`s Republic Igor Strelkov (UPDATED WITH 2nd translation!)

(Huge thanks to “CG” who found this text here.  The Saker) “Citizens of Donetsk People`s Republic, I address you with a quest. It`s the quest to protect your Motherland, your homes, your families, your people. I have to ask you to do the thing which by all human standards is not required to ask. As it was always an honor in Russia to protect your Motherland and your freedom. This
