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Tag "Duma elections 2016"

Russia Elections results, The US Military revolt and a Syrian kerfuffle SITREP by Scott Humor

Russian election results in two words: We Won! That’s it. “Bloody revolution” had been canceled. In May I posted an article, Waiting for Yalta – 2, or What the Kerry-Lavrov pact brings to the table.  In accidence with the new principles of the new world. ” Color revolutions” will not be allowed. It doesn’t mean that an illegitimate government of the US won’t stop plotting them. We simply can’t let

Elections to the Russian Duma in 2016: relevant or a waste of time and money?

This article was written for the Unz Review: Judging by the reactions in the western corporate media, the 2016 elections to the Russian Duma are basically a non-event: evil Putin kept his “grip on power”, all the parties in the Duma are basically under his control and no real opposition was allowed to emerge. Even in Russia, there are some who agree, but for different reasons. They say that
