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Tag "Estonia"

Estonians curtsy to their white overlord, Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor   After the US Ambassador to Estonia James D. Melville Jr. resigned due to disagreement with the policies of Donald Trump, Tallinn rushed to curtsy. However, not before the US President, but before the Ambassador himself, who was appointed to this post under Barack Obama. The honor of showing Estonian servility to the American diplomat went to the Minister of Internal Affairs Andrés Anvelt.

How Finland and Estonia fooled laws of nature and Russian gas, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Dear friends, here are some perplexing news. I read and reread them several times, checked sources and encyclopedia, and still couldn’t understand what exactly is happening. Hopefully, together we will get to the bottom of it. Estonia has decided to fight for its “energy independence” and decided to buy natural gas from… Finland. There is only one question regarding this otherwise normally sounding news. What is the source of

Michael McFaul: We declared war on Russia. What’s next? Updated by Scott

“You conducted genocide of Armenia, sirs.” “But you’re guilty of Holocaust, Sirs!” “You are killing Kurds, sirs!” “But you slaughtered Ruanda, sirs” “And you sponsor ISIS executors, sirs” “And you genocided half of African population, sirs” From the Dialogues of the members of Democratic coalition Nations with nuclear weapons: United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea Nations hosting nuclear weapons: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Romania,
