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Tag "F. William Engdahl"

The Destructive Plan Behind the Biden Russia Agenda

[Note by the Saker: as most of you know, I don’t do reposts (see here why).  This time, however, I decided to make a small exception to this rule and I emailed William and asked him for the permission to repost his excellent article on the hardcore russophobic elements inside Biden’s team.  William has very kindly allowed me to do so, so here it is below] by William Engdahl, reposted

The Rape of Russia (Saker blog exclusive interview)

by Lars Schall for the Saker blog Introduction by Pepe Escobar: William Engdahl is one of the world’s top geopolitical analysts. His books – from Century of War to Full Spectrum Dominance – are absolutely essential to understand how the self-described exceptional nation created and expanded its global hegemony tentacles. A measure of his influence is that as much as Engdahl may be dismissed or derided across the Beltway, the

Chubais – The Next Neoliberal Head to Roll in Russia?

By F. William Engdahl for the Saker blog I venture that few outside the Russian Federation will even know the name of Anatoly Chubais, today the CEO of a Russian high-tech company called Rusnano. Following the high-profile November 15 arrest of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s Minister of Economics, Alexei Ulyukaev, on charges of accepting at least $2 million in bribes in a state privatization involving Rosneft and Bashneft energy companies,

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance

by F. William Engdahl for New Eastern Outlook First appeared here: Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying
