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Tag "fake news narrative"

Staged Chemical Attack Videos And Other Trends In Modern Propaganda

Staged Chemical Attack Videos And Other Trends In Modern Propaganda The scandal regarding the fake hospital video published by the White Helmets as a proof of the Douma chemical attack has reached its peak in the media and has caused reaction on the diplomatic level. On February 13, BBC Syria’s producer Riam Dalati came out with a statement that “After almost 6 months of investigations” he “can prove without a

Riding the “Chechen Gays” scandal on a Unicorn

Featured image of a Novaya Gazeta reporter Elena Milashina, an author of the article “Honor Killing” receiving an International Women of Courage Award in Washington on March 8, 2013. Depicted here standing between the First Lady Michelle Obama and the Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry. Years ago, President Putin was asked what he thought about gay parades. He said that he respected human freedom in all its forms. However,

Harvard University honors The Saker blog (

Okay, so I am not being honest with this title.  But hey, since Harvard does list my blog as a ‘fake news’ source, I might as well indulge, at least once, into some absolutely shameless click baiting and “fake newsing” :-) Seriously, my friend Steve Lendman wrote an interesting post on his blog about Harvard University’s “guide to fake news”.  Check it out, he does a great job explaining it
